My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Café Grano

A rather nice place to pass one's time is Café Grano (I think that's what it's called), an organic coffee house near the plaza in Ajijic. Organic coffee from the bean - such a delight in a world in which most people drink instant nescafe. It's distressing to see so much nescafe in a country where coffee grows. It's like eating Taco Bell in Mexico, or Boboli in Italy, or drinking Two Buck Chuck in Napa: a damn shame.

So I grabbed a few books and parked myself today at a street-side table, where I could watch all the mass-goers come and go at the stone church across the street. I enjoyed the morning a great deal, but as a mission to meet locals, I failed. Not usually a friendly-with-strangers type, I put on a pleasant face and looked up regularly to make eye contact. I even commented on someone's puppy, which is not the kind of thing I do. To no successful end. I met one chap who wanted to plug his band, and another fellow hit on me (I must not look that pregnaz yet), but no friends were made, nor even friendly banter exchanged.

Maybe I need more inviting occupation - the sort strangers feel inclined to comment on, such as sketching or tatting. Or I could borrow an adorable puppy. The only catch is that I'm not really so sure I'd want to make friends with people who'd walk up to a total stranger and ask what they're drawing. It seems kind of rude.

So what's the secret? Do I have to join the quilting club or volunteer at the orphanage (I am considering doing both, actually) just to meet some people? Is this what it's like trying to find a date? I smiled at the baristas so many times I felt like the sleezy guy at the bar that won't stop making oggly faces.

At least the coffee was really good. I'll probably be back tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. lol your cracking me up. My 2 yr old just went down for her nap, so Im getting some time to read. I hear you on the nescafe, although I recently bought some for when family comes over. They dont seem to like my brewed coffee. "Es muy fuerte" so they tell me. ;)
