My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Busy With Baby

Spit-up is the new number one fashion accessory. Wear it in a big splotch on the front of your shirt, or dribbled across your shoulder. The daring are even wearing it in their hair. Spit up compliments clothing of any style, but is especially trendy worn with anything that makes you look “haggard”.

I haven’t posted in a while. It’s because I got busy. Got busy having a baby and then busy trying to take care of him. He’s a demanding guy.

So I’ll see how posting continues, or doesn’t continue. It’s supposed to get easier after the first few weeks, the child rearing, that is. That’s the dirty lie they keep telling me anyway. I’m getting three or four hours of interrupted sleep a night, though last night I lucked out with a whopping five. Blogging has thus dropped below sleep on the List of Priorities (though apparently Facebook still trumps sleep…?).

I haven’t decided yet how much to write about my baby. He’s the new center of my universe, because he’s basically the greatest person ever, but I’m not so delusional that I don’t realize that not everyone agrees with me on that. I might be fascinated by his digestive troubles, but I suspect it’s not worth blogging about.

I’m not sure I can think much beyond my baby boy right now, though. I can say that’s it’s pretty sweet sleeping on my back again and being able to bend at the waist. I’m looking forward to a day when I’ll be back on my bicycle.

Oh, and my one friend I’d made down here: she’s up and moving back to the States. Damn. Back to square one, or square zero maybe. It’s ok… I’m planning on using my adorable child to lure people into conversations with me… I just have to find a shirt not covered in spit up and I’m out the door!


  1. Sounds like your on the normal track. Just to give you a light at the end of your sleepless tunnel, my babies 4mo old and I have had 4 nights now where she ate at 9 or 930pm then not again till 5 or 6am. Yahooo for sleep. Believe me that will be your main concern (except the baby of course). And it should be sleep when you can you need it to recover fully. We are going to move Joslin to her big sisters room this week some time. Whoo hoo. It really does get easier. How is the nursing going?

  2. Yay blogging! Ember, I for one would love to hear anything about your adorable little guy :) I hope it only gets easier, and I'm so excited for you all!!!

  3. I look forward to your updates Ember :)
