My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Small Stuff: A Shower

Don’t sweat the small stuff, they say. But sometimes it’s the small stuff that can break you, the proverbial final straw. And when greater problems seem unsolvable, focusing on “the small stuff” is sometimes all you can do. Lesser problems can be more approachable, less overwhelming, and maybe even solvable.

So don’t think I’m kidding when I describe the source of my recent elation. It deserves to stand alone in its glory.

I have a shower.

I have my own shower. I share it only with Baby. And this isn’t just a bucket of water, a spray bottle, or a spitting camel. This is a veritable shower. It is a work of art. And it is mine.

Let me tell you what it is not. It is not the shower that I have been sharing with my husband’s family since September. It is not accessible only through my parents-in-law’s bedroom. It doesn’t smell like cigarettes. The floor isn’t daily coated with mud. It does not require a 20 minute wait for the boiler to heat the water. It is not inhabited by mosquitoes.

It is adjacent instead to my bedroom. I can keep it as clean as I like. I have both hot water and cold, on demand. It is lovely.

• This means there will be no more awkward trespassing on my father-in-law while he watches TV in bed.
• Also, no more sacrificing hygiene to avoid feeling like a trespasser.
• I no longer must get fully dressed before showering (so I can pass through public domain on the way to the downstairs shower and while waiting for the boiler.)
• I no longer have to carry all my toiletries to and from the shower with me – I can leave them where I’ll need them.
• I can keep it clean – of cigarette ash, of mud, of my brother-in-law’s dirty underwear.
• I no longer need expose myself to the evil resident Shower Mosquitoes.

I now firmly believe that a room of one’s own should be accompanied by a bathroom of one’s own.

Mad props to Baby for his excellent handiwork.

So maybe this makes me sound like a spoiled princess, or probably just very American. But if sharing a bathroom were it, I could probably keep it up. Having my whole life tossed up and roughly shaken, I’ll count my victories when I can. I’ll celebrate the small stuff.

Here are a few pics of my precious new shower and, for good measure, one of the kitchen walls, and another of the kitchen floor.


  1. Ember Bo Bember! I'm getting caught up on your blog and you're killing me here. Shower sounds awesome. I can't wait to get to all the good pig flu stuff...

  2. Wow I love the house! I can't wait to build ours in Mexico. We are looking at two lots in Morelos this week. So we shall see, but thanks for the kind words, yes it does help to know we are not alone! Thank god for this blog site! But I really love your house did you design it? How fun! Where do you guys live? Near Mexico City? Well have fun! TTYL

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