My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In Oregon

Here's my mini-update. I'm in Eugene with my fam. I'm pretty bummed that I didn't get to do my California tour and visit everyone in SC, MV, OAK, SF, etc. Since we pretty much just went from the US Consulate in GDL (to get Hanix's passport) to the airport I didn't have much of a chance to plan anything out. And then I was dependent on Hernan's in-laws for putting me up. My broke ass can't afford a rental car or a cell phone, and I didn't have much access to the internets, so I had a boohard time getting ahold of anyone. Boohard- yep I just made that up, but it's a good word I suggest you adopt (PRO). I didn't even call my brother!

So instead of my magical mystery tour of friends and food in California I was worried I'd end up having to spring for some shady Santa Cruz motel. So I jumped on a train and now I'm in Eugene. Ah well, at least we made it to the funeral.

It's not the trip I'd been hoping to make Dec. or Jan, which is almost certainly off the table now. But I am appreciating being back in the US.

I like flushing my TP. That's fun.
And I like drinking tap water - it's so clean and tasty! and won't give me hepatitis!
It smells so god damn good here - like trees and flowers instead of sewage and car exhaust.
Food Fantasia
I get to feel so smart using my complex English syntax.
I saw the ocean, and it was real pretty
I saw snow and tall trees
It's so quiet here without bullhorns.

I just miss my friends. Dag nabbit. Boo hard. Well... next time , I s'pose.

Now it's time for a walk through the neighborhood. We're going to look for any blackberries that might have lingered.


  1. I'm glad getting Hanix's passport worked out. I hope you're having a good trip home!

  2. Look, I'm not drunk or anything, but as a duly appointed representative in the California State Senate, having never successfully been tried and convicted of graft or any other crime of a political nature in my own county, I feel it is my duty and my right to firstly, warmly welcome the addition of the "boohard" into our collective vocabulary, and secondofly, extend the following sentiment: California is tired of getting drunk alone. Please, stop by sometime. California won't make you do shots or anything like that, but maybe have a cocktail and tell a story, like that one about the time you talked a bear into letting you ride it to work for a week, or how you lost the deed to the Canton of Schywz to a Baroness with a false leg in a high-stakes staring contest. In summary I quote the Great Seal of the State of California: "Never trust a god-damned mummy."

  3. Dear Senator,

    Thank you for expressing the sentiment. I most certainly will stop by for a sip just as soon as I get the chance. Damn mummies. Boo hard!
