My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Grandmother's Funeral

Hernan's grandmother passed away. She was the matriarch of a very large family, and Hernan was extremely close to her. Everyone is grieving.

We're going up to GDL Tuesday to see whether my mother-in-law can't get special permission to travel to the States to attend the funeral. At the same time, I'll be trying to get Hanix's passport. We had an appointment for him to register his birth down here with the US consulate and to get his passport, but it would be too late for us to fly. So we've requested a special urgent interview. I hope they give us the passport then and there on Tuesday, but I don't know how it works.

So I might find myself in California next week. Then again, I might not.

I really hope my mother-in-law is given permission to travel. She had a green card back when she was a teenager but it somehow got lost (I didn't understand the conversation, but I think it involved her husband) and she was then issued a visitor's visa instead. But that visa expired last year, and they wouldn't let her renew it. I have no idea why not, and they never gave her a reason. She traveled about once a year to the States, stayed a few weeks visiting family, and then flew home again. She never stuck around or tried to work or anything like that, so I don't know why they wouldn't renew it for her. She's such a sweet lady, but is awfully timid in front of The Man. I'm wondering whether we can't get her her greencard again, since her name surely exists in the government's records.

Anyway, there's no time for that right now. I just hope she gets to go to her mother's funeral. Poor Hernan has no chance at all of going. He hopes his son gets to go. I hope so too.


  1. So Sorry to hear the sad news. Will be thinking positive thoughts and hoping the best outcomes manifest themselves for you all this week.

  2. Im so sorry to hear of your loss, my prayers will be with your family and especially your husband. I cant imagine how hard this will be for him. This is the kind of stuff that makes this whole mess come into perspective. Really I will be praying for you all.

  3. I'm sorry, I'll make sure to pray for things to go your way and your suegra's.

  4. Sorry to hear that Hernan's grandma died. I remember you talking about her -- she sounded like a great lady. The whole family must be so sad. I hope you guys can come up for the funeral. Let me know if you are here and need any help (831-419-0731)
