My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hungry Mama, Hungry Baby

We took Hanix to the pediatrician Wednesday. Apparently he's heavier than 95 percent of babies his age. Yes, my little gordito could pin the other two and a half month old babies to the ground with just one of his meaty little thighs.

The doc says we shouldn't worry because all he eats is breast milk and I guess the excess weight should come off easily whenever he has his next growth spurt or whenever he gets mobile. He didn't get fat from eating deep fried twinkies, after all.

And since his whole body is big - his bones, his head, his hands and feet - it's not surprising that he's heavy, or that my arms are now nicely toned and my wrists nicely broken.

The problem, though, lies in my poor little baby's reflux. He wants to nurse all the time to keep the milk (and stomach acid) from coming up, and to comfort him when he's in pain. I'm trying to comfort him in other ways and to keep him from overeating, but sometimes it's hard to not just give him what he wants. Comfort eating? His mother certainly doesn't do that! No way.

So, we're trying all kinds of things to help him out, like keeping him upright and burping him frequently, and I'm on the most horrible of diets, which excludes dairy, citric, spicy food, coffee and chocolate. Since I'm also vegetarian that leaves me pretty much just tortillas. Try not eating tomatoes, chiles, meat or cheese in Mexico. It kind of sucks. I'm planning or reintroducing all those foods one by one to see if any affect him more than others. I'm HUNGRAY!


  1. Awwww I hope you can eat normal again soon. Sheesh we have to eat like saints all through pregnancy and now you STILL don't get a break!? Mamas are for real the ultimate sacrifice-ers. Be proud of yourself for not giving in and just feeding formula, and remind yourself how super cool you're being to do all of this for your baby :)

  2. I know so many women right now (or, ok, three, but that feels like a lot) who have had to give up dairy while breast feeding. Do you think there's anyway we could ship some soy "dairy" stuff to you and it arrive OK? I am willing to try - a girl's gotta have her cheese!

  3. Thanks, ladies! Cate, that's such a kind offer, but I've already given up. I clearly have no will power when it comes to food. The good news is the only thing that seems to bother Hanix is all the spicy food I eat. While this is sad news, it's better than giving up everything. So thank you, thank you, but it looks like I'm back to dairy. :)
