My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Soda Boppy

My in-laws drink Coke or Pepsi at every meal. They pretty much only drink soda, coffee, or beer. I'm the crazy one in the house who drinks water. Anyway, to each his own, I suppose. I drink Coke sometimes too (when it's mixed with rum, for example), and I certainly am no model of healthy eating (I'm pretty sure a bar of chocolate a day is not considered healthy eating), but what freaks me out is sometimes seeing toddlers around town with baby bottles filled with soda. If the child is too young to drink from a normal cup, I'm pretty sure they're too young to be drinking Coke. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, tooth cavities anyone?

On the subject of health and soda, NY has a new ad campaign.

And I enjoyed reading this op-ed "Big Food vs. Big Insurance". While we've all a right to gluttony and poor choice making (and I enjoy regularly exercising this right), there's a lot not right about government subsidies making crap food so cheap. I like the angle this op-ed takes. Let's get the big fellas to take on the other big fellas.

Anyway, soda in baby bottles. Let's make an ad campaign against that.


  1. Eww, soda in baby bottles. :-p

    So, get ready for a sweeping generalization here, but the Panamanian boyfriend I used to have also did not drink water.

  2. So, even as a soda aficionado, I can't condone giving it to babies. However, note that at least the baby is getting soda with actual cane sugar in it, rather than the corn syrup shit that's in all of the mass-market sodas in the U.S. So ... things could be worse, I guess?

  3. I know what you mean about the soda in bottles, but because this is a rant Id like to continue it with the fact that 2 and 3 year old kids around hear carry bottles around with juice in them also. Sure its not as bad as soda but will also cause tooth decay and sucking on a bottle at that age will cause them to come in wrong. Gee people deal with a couple days of crying and get rid of the stinking bottles. And don't get me started on binkis.

  4. Aggg that pic is gross! :PP But YES I've seen it TOO!! I've actually seen Mt. DEW in a baby bottle!! That's so wrong it's just impossible. I don't like to see 2 yr olds or even 3,4,5, yr. olds drinking soda! They need to be getting NUTRIENTS to grow, not CRAP to fill up on! Hoorah Vadose, this IS an issue!

  5. Getting my son off the bottle wass teh biggest battle with my husband. I said one year and no more, he said "well in mexico kids use them till like 5" I could care less what they did there. We ended up stopping at 16months. I also vowed not to give him soda for a long time. HE got it the first time in Mexico this summer. Now he ALWAYS askes for it.

  6. The worst part about coke in the bottle, which I've seen alot with my Mexican family, is that it really just backfires-it quiets the kid down for a few minutes, then sends him on a sugar/caffeine rush, which he quickly crashes from, feeling (and acting) worse than before. We have one nephew that had teeth pulled out when he was just one because they were already rotten!

  7. What alot of people don't know is that Coke is one of the causes of diabetes.... all that high fructose corn syrup that was and still is soooo popular. Soda isn't allowed in my house... unless, occasionally it meets Jack. :)
