My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Poor Food Choices

Sometimes when I'm hungry (read: always) and the kitchen is bare I do ridiculous, misguided things with food.

Example: I was living in Budapest but hadn't yet gotten the hang of grocers closing up shop Saturday afternoon and not reopening until Monday morning. I was used to 24 hour food access. So I forgot to stock the cupboard and lo and behold, by Sunday night I was desperate. So. I made pancakes. Except all I had was flour and water and salt. Come and get 'em!

Example 2: I once cooked a package of pasta by frying it instead of boiling and then frying (the latter option is delicious). It was a hunger-induced mistake. Don't ever do this. I ate about 2/3 of the results before a housemate intervened on behalf of my stomach.

Example 3: Limes + old tortillas + serrano chiles does not equal "casserole". Nuf said.

My other trouble is that I keep trying to bake even though I'm no baker. I shouldn't really migrate from the stove top. It's that I try to bake the way I cook, and I never cook with a plan. I constantly fuss with the food (because I'm impatient and hungry) and add additional ingredients, and then throw in leftovers, and then add more cumin, and then decide an egg would add some protein, and then maybe throw in some chile peppers, to "liven it up"... and it usually works out ok when I'm cooking, but that's not the way to bake, it would seem.

So, this brings me to Example 4. I've been going through a crisis this week because I really want cookies but I have no butter. I can't find any butter in San Juan, because it's a luxury item and all they sell is lard and margarine, and I'm on my snobby high horse this week and don't want margarine cookies. Actually I did make margarine cookies, and I ate them (of course I did!), but I was left disappointed because for some reason the margarine flavor, at least the kind for sale in the shop next door, just puts me off. So, snobbery admitted, I wanted non-margarine cookies.

I found a no-butter cookie recipe that seemed quite good. I almost managed to follow the recipe, and the cookies turned out almost really good. But I made so much that I had leftover batter. No problem, save it for later. Until later: I get hungry, think "I'll make some more of those banana almond cookies" and decide that I'll throw in the leftover french toast mix with the cookie batter (start shaking your head here), because milk and eggs and cinnamon are tasty, right? And then it's too liquid-y, so I toss in a handful of flour and some ground almonds, and some chocolate shavings and some more cinnamon and stir it up and then throw in some salt, because salt makes anything taste good (no it doesn't) and then mix it up and pour it on a cookie sheet and think I'm so, so clever. (Continue to shake your head.)

And yes, I'm eating the results right now. I wouldn't say "good", but I would say "it's a good think I resisted 'livening them up' with chiles".

It's not quite an apple pie substitute, but... I'm now finishing off the last one, so I suppose this wasn't a complete flop.

I guess I need to learn to always begin preparing food before I reach hunger-crisis moment. Or have more snacks on hand. And maybe to just stay away from the oven.


  1. LMAO wow, that is hilarious, only because I do the SAME thing. Most recently this occurred when I returned from a trip to Mexico, and was craving elote and paletas de coco. I attempted homemade versions of each, and have now completely obliterated any desire of eating those foods again. Which is sad, because they were my faves... :)

  2. If you want "real" butter, look (or ask) for Lala and Eugenia brand. I love to bake, and sometimes margarine is a good substitue, but there are just times that you need the real thing! I asked around and finally learned that if I want butter, I ask my local cremeria to stock up on it! :D

    So what is the name of your creation? :D Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Hmm. I think it's possible to experiment with baking, you just have to know what ingredients you can and can't mess with. There are usually a few main ingredients whose proportions determine what the texture of the final thing will be (will it be cake, cookies, rocks, goop, etc.). These are Eggs, Liquid, Leavening, Flour, Fat, and to some extent Sugar. Maybe there's a mnemonic for this...ELLFFs? Sometimes eggs get substituted by a different binder, like banana. Any other ingredients (spices, nuts, chocolate chips, dry-ish fruits, chilis...) you can mess with more or less according to your instincts.

  4. What Jenny Jo said. I'm home for Thanksgiving this year and my sister had a baking adventure of her own which involved a cookbook written in German and being too lazy to look every little thing up, or try to locate certain things in coastal Oregon...let me tell you, in the absence of quark, this particular recipe for käsekuchen should probably be skipped, not attempted with ricotta, and likewise for the distinction between cornmeal and semolina. It's like sweetened manicotti with a crust that goes head-to-head with any dental work you may have or need. Oh well...

  5. Leslie - thanks for the tip. I think I'll do just that! Ask them to stock butter for me. Great idea. And I'm glad you asked, I did, of course, name it. If I called them "cookies" then everyone would know they were failed cookies. So I call them "banana cakes". Suddenly they don't seem so bad. :)

    Jen - yes, ruining your favorites is a risk. That doesn't stop me, though.

    Jenny Jo - Hm. Somehow I don't see myself getting any better at this. I just can't stick to recipes. (In other words "Get your rules off me, man! I'm a free woman! Free, I tell you! You can't tie me down with your rules!") But I'll keep trying, that's for sure.

    Topher (I assume that's you) - that sounds very, very much like how I bake. So... did you guys finish it off? Or is it still lurking on the counter, whispering "I wasn't THAT bad", and daring you to eat a little more?

  6. I need to know what kind of cookies you want, and I need to you email me your address. Your December will not be cookieless if I can have anything to do with it.

  7. Don't be surprised, once your pedido of butter comes in and goes out that they won't want to stock it because it is too much trouble to keep stuff in stock that sells. :) Srsly. I've talked to my local abarrote and get that all the time. "Oh, we don't carry that anymore - it kept getting sold out."

  8. Kathy - I know! I know! Worst excuse for not stocking something: it sells out too quickly! Why it this so common??
