My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Teach, You're Wrong.

My sixteen-year-old brother-in-law came home from school today and told us he learned that the majority of children who grow up with homosexual parents are traumatized for it and that's why gay couples shouldn't be allowed to marry or adopt.

I could spit nails I'm so mad.

I told him I didn't believe that a bit, and asked who had told him such a stupid thing. When he told me it was his teacher... ooooh, I feel like marching (or taking the bus) over to his school and having it out. I'm so mad.

He said that his teacher told the class that kids grow up traumatized because they have two dads or two moms instead of one of each. You know, because all the other kids come from "normal" families, raised by their moms because their dads are in the States working to send money hone, or raised by grandma because both mom and dad are dead or gone, or bounce between mom's house and dad and step-mom's house, or (like my brother-in-law) have fathers who are alcoholics and are for all purposes out of the picture, or who have wonderful heterosexual, devout Catholic parents who beat them, or ignore them, or tell them that if they ever find out their child is gay they'll disown them and so help them God hope to see them burn in Hell. But surely having two moms or two dads will really screw them up.

I was pleased to watch Hernan jump right in, too. He really cares about his little brother, and often treats him more like his son than his kid brother. We were both really upset to find out that his teachers are saying this kind of thing in school.

I told him I'd like to read the "study" his teacher claimed to be referencing, and if he could please get the name of it or the author or a copy, I would love to read it.

Oh! I'm so mad. Even madder than a month ago when he told me that someone at his school told him that Darwin's theories had been refuted and were now popularly considered defunct.

On the positive side, I hadn't realized how good my Spanish had become until I started firing off reason after reason why I think that's the stupidest thing I've heard in a long while, at least since his aunt told me that brown eyes are healthy and "colored" eyes are inferior and "sick". I guess there's nothing like stirring up a person's passions (or a strong beverage) for getting that foreign language to come tumbling out a kilometer a minute ("kilometer" because I'm so metric now.)

At least every time I hear that gays traumatize their children, and blacks are all uneducated and lazy, and Chinese (which I understand to mean "Asians") are all ugly and smart and know kung-fu... and that goblins are going to steal my baby's soul, and so on and on... at least every time I hear it I can say that it's not true and hopefully that does something.

Especially with my kid brother. He really looks up to Hernan. I'm glad to see he listens to his big brother. Still, we're only two against all his teachers and all his friends. He's a smart boy, though; I think he'll wise up.

Oh! But I'm still so mad!


  1. I know what you mean. I get tired of all the tales that everyone thinks are sooo true, but that one about the colored eyes makes me mad.. i have blue eyes! I think that a home without the mother and father in it (because they are in the USA) is kind of bad. Not bad, but you know what I mean. Maybe they need to do a study on that. I think that it is sad when a parent and/or parents come to work and stay for 5 or 10 years, have other kids here and basically forget about the kids they left behind. I do not see how (especially the mothers) can leave them and not go back and then have kids here. I see this alot. I understand it is to give them a chance, but I don't know what to say, I am not in that situation.. thank goodness.

  2. Good for you to jump in and correct the teacher's (mis)education. It may not be a bad a idea to address the topic with the teacher, just wait until you're not so mad. :-)

  3. I know what you mean, it makes me so mad too! It's so hard when you hear this kind of stuff (I hear it from some of my own cousin said a couple years ago that basically the entire Muslim world should be "glassed", can you believe that??), and you can argue all you want, but often they are so caught up in their own intellectual incest that you have no hope of penetrating. At least it sounds like you guys have some chance of influencing your brother-in-law for the better. It's also nice to hear about Hernan being in accord with you about this.

  4. How frickin' infuriating! That's one of the main things that makes me kind of sad about moving down there. It can be enough of a struggle in the state that I live in to find open-minded people, and I am truly about as liberal as they come, so it concerns me to hear that they are preaching b.s. like that in SCHOOL! I guess the only thing we can do is to try to raise our kids in such a way that they can disregard such ignorance, and rationalize to those who may listen. Sorry you had to deal with that.
