My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Sometimes I like to blog about my exciting jet set lifestyle. I like the whole world to know how adventurous and interesting I am. I like to make you all envious. I like to make you all exclaim “She sure seizes the day!”

Yesterday I seized the day by washing seven loads of laundry.

“Seven loads!” you might vociferate, “that’s sheer craziness!” Some might say the nesting instinct finally got me, but I disagree (because the rest of the house is still a mess). I think I was just lazy for a really long time, and then got stuck waiting for a sawdust-free day.

We’ve been building a wooden deck (and by “we”, I mean Hernan), and there’s been a good deal of sanding going on. The result is that we’ve been living for some time now in a world of sawdust. This is a better smelling world than we normally live in (I'll take sawdust smell over burning plastic smell any day), but it’s not a great world for hanging up the wash.

Hanging our clothes to dry isn’t so bad. Besides using no electricity, it’s convenient because the clothes usually dry rather quickly, except at night or when it’s raining. The downside is that everything comes off the line smelling like car exhaust and dust, because we live right on the highway. And if you drop any item, it becomes immediately filthy. And occasionally a bird will poop on something. But mostly it’s pretty convenient, so long as I remind Hernan and his brother not to cover the clothes with sawdust, concrete, paint, or whatever it is they’re using that day.

That’s the news from here. Thanks for tuning in.

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