My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Parking Garage Coolness

Today we borrowed a car and drove up to Guadalajara for a doctor appointment. (All's well, by the by.) We also wanted to drive out to the birth center again to refresh our memories on how to get there. I told Hernan that I'm not interested in getting lost in Guadalajara (as we always do) while I'm pushing a big old baby out. It just wouldn't be cool. So we had a few errands to run.

BUT, the coolest discovery today was made after parking the car in a garage downtown. Walking out of the garage, we discovered you can get down to lower levels via POLE!

Yes, my friends, fireman poles, in a parking garage. Too cool.

The poles are right next to the spiral staircase you could take instead (as if!). Not only are poles more fun than stairs, they make for a quick escape, which can be useful when one is being chased through a parking garage by anything that would have trouble going down a pole, like bears on unicycles, or alligators, or armless pod people.

Zombie monkeys would probably get you, though.

Still, how fun is that?


  1. How far do you have to drive from home to the birthing center when you go into labor?

  2. Kinda looks like you could land right on that Buik or whatever it is when you go down the pole. Bouncy!

  3. This is awesome! Cute picture of Baby :) Good luck when the baby actually comes!!

  4. ember- did you go down the pole? did your bootie fit? and your belly? my first thought was 'damn can she fit through that hole?' maybe that's what our baby will think when it's birthday time. 'damn they expect me to fit through that hole?'

  5. WHERE is this garage? I just gotta try that pole!
