My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Beer: We Meet Again

My sister-in-law is moving to the US (lucky!) and to send her off we went out for beer.

During my pregnancy a microbrewery opened up in Ajijic, tempting me with its beery allure. (the post) I abstained, but planned to fit in a frothy pint as soon as I could squeeze one in between nursing. However! Evil Beer Temptress up and closed down just about the time Hanix was born. Total Fail.

Yet, we discovered that the Ajijic local was just a venture by the established microbrewery in Tlaquepaque (near Guadalajara). So, we rounded up the fam and headed to The Beer Lounge. We were my sister-in-law, her eight-year-old son, my brother-in-law, his wife and 2 month old baby, my mother-in-law and Hernan and Hanix and me. Three cheers for babies in bars?

This was my first trip to Tlaquepaque, which is sort of a style-y swank area being eaten up by Guadalajara. The Beer Lounge was totally decent, though I was suspicious of their fruit beers. If I wanted to eat a pineapple, I’d eat a pineapple. I drink beer, because I like beer. Don’t mess with it. But maybe I was only unwilling to venture into Fruit Beer Land because it had been so long since I’d had a “real” beer, and that’s what I had come to drink.

I had a porter. It was delicious. I had just one, because after 10 months of no alcohol I’m a total light weight.

The bar played internationally recognized songs by Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, the Beatles, and so forth. That was fine with me; it was a nice break from banda.

So, will we be going again? Aye.

Beer, it’s nice to get to know you again.


  1. Have you thought about brewing your own? It's not that hard - I just finished my first batch. You might even be able to get a brewing kit and ingredients mailed to you from the States...

  2. What's this "after 10 months of not drinking I'm a lightweight" thing? You were ALWAYS a lightweight. You're almost as bad as Amanda Jo Jones. Ok, I'm sorry, I take that back, you're not that bad, but still.
    I second your skepticism of fruit beers. Thumbs down. Thumbs up to dark beers. I would not mind a nice porter on tap myself right about now. Or right about always.
