My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cockroach Doodie

I never unpacked a couple of boxes of kitchen things because I had nowhere to put the contents besides the floor. I'm still waiting on shelves or cupboards in the kitchen. I think I'll be waiting a while. In the meantime I put up a swank board and cinder-block shelf on the counter (classy!) and a sizable shelf along one wall. The shelf we got from my sister-in-law when she moved away.

So now that I have this shelf I thought I'd unpack another box of kitchen things.

La-dee-da. Unpacking. Putting glasses and bowls and things on the shelves. Ah. So nice to see my old things after about a year. Familiar, nice things. Unpacking. Unwrapping things. ... Wait. What's all this brown... it's poop! Dry poop crumbs all over everything!

I can only guess it's cockroach poop. I'm pretty sure I don't have rats or mice in my kitchen, but cockroaches: we found another one just last night.

So then I found it. Inhabiting one of my beer mugs with it's dirty, poopy, antennae-y, crunchy, faceless, scurrying, filthy, cockroachy self.

Because I'm not squeamish, or irrationally cowardly, or ridiculous in any way, I covered the beer mug with another dish and am waiting for Hernan to come home and kill it. I know. Totally absurd. "But they're yucky" I say.

So if Hanix continues to nap (unlikely) I'm going to endeavor to wash every last surface, dish and chopstick in the kitchen.

Stupid, scurrying, faceless, antennae-y vermin.


  1. You know you found a good partner when he or she is willing to kill the cockroach you saved for them and doesn't even make fun of you for it.

  2. I just found some roachy babies in my kitchen the other day despite my daily disinfecting. So I tore my kitchen to pieces and cleaned everything with bleach. I agree. YUCK
