My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Baby: The Giant

So holy tamole, but I mean big. Hanix was 4 kilos at birth (8.8 pounds, which I think is 8 pounds 13 ounces) and 20.5 inches long. It’s been seven weeks, and he’s already 8 kilos (17.6 pounds, or 17 pounds, 10 ounces) and 24 inches. So, in less than two months he’s doubled his (already significant) weight and gained three and a half inches. He’s huge!

I feel like I missed out on having a newborn and went straight to having a 5 month old baby, in size anyway. I never got to admire the tiny little toes and the delicate features, because he was born big and got on with getting big from day one. They say breastfed babies often lose a little weight after birth, but I’m fairly sure he never did. They also say kids grow up fast, but really? You’re kidding. I hope he slows down a little bit at some point. He’s massive! My friend The Internet agrees with my on this.

Maybe he’ll be a superhero.
Or at least he’ll be able to reach things off the high shelf for me, you know, by the time he turns three. Actually, if he keeps gaining an inch every two weeks, he’ll be taller than me by the time he’s seven.

By the way, these measurements could be a little off, since we measured him here at the house with Hernan’s tape measure and (ready? ready? … wait for it…. ) the pig scale. Yep, here in our house we have a big metal rod with a hook used for weighing pig carcasses. Yep. We also conveniently have hooks in a ceiling beam from which to hang this scale. If you’re wondering how we weighed a baby from a hook, we used the rope I used for slack lining and made a swing. If you’re wondering why we have a pig scale in our house… you’re not alone.

But he seems to be doing well. He just chuckled in his sleep, which was adorable. Though, it was a pretty nerdy chuckle, so I’m glad he’ll be big enough to defend himself as he gets older. And yesterday he said “goo”, which happened right after I asked him “How are you?”. Clearly he was saying “good”. Obviously, my baby is not only huge but also a genius who can already speak English. (I’ll have to ask him again in Spanish and see if he replies “bie”.) Then he said “boosh” and later “goo” again. I’m working on getting him to say funnier words like “pizzazz” and to repeat the funny lines from movies. I’m also working on teaching him “My mama is so fly”. I’ll update the blog when that happens.

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