My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Birth Certificate for the Gremlin

Today we walked down to the local Some-kind-of-governmental-office-or-another to get Hanix's Mexican birth certificate. This was our second trip because the first time we forgot to bring a translation of my birth certificate (which I had to order from the States, because I hadn't a clue where this document had gotten itself off to). The first trip was just a dumb mistake, and we knew better, from having asked around and because I read Amanda's blog Borders Aside and she's great about documenting the ridiculous process of getting her kids' paperwork in order. (Thanks, Amanda!)

Today we went again, dragging along my mother-in-law and a friend of Hernan's, because we need two witnesses. We also had to have the baby with us (check.) and needed birth certificates (in Spanish) for both Hernan and me, a document of Hanix's birth from the hospital where he was born, our passports, similar credentials for the witnesses, and ... our marriage certificate, which we didn't have with us either.

However, the plus side of living in a village where everyone knows one another is that the lady at the desk was cool with it and told us to just drop by on Monday with the marriage certif, and she wouldn't even make us translate it into Spanish. Nice. So Monday we should be able to pick up his birth certificate. ("Should". I never assume things'll work out so easily down here.)

The other great thing to note about this government office is that they're only open from 11:00 until 2:00.

Also great: I can walk there from my house, because, well, I live in San Juan Cosalá.

Not great, I have to jump over the "sewage creeks" to get there, because, well, I live in San Juan Cosalá.

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