My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Hell Out Of Dodge

We're moving. We're going to try living in Sayulita, Nayarit for a month. We've rented a little tiny studio-style casita with a palapa (thatched) roof. If we find work, we'll stay. If not... I don't know what we'll do. We move July 1st.

My hopes are high. Friends. Jobs. Community. No more gang bangers pulling guns on my husband.

I'm excited that when we walk around Sayulita no one stares at us. No one pays us any attention. Actually, they're kind of rude, and I prefer that to nosy san juanecos who stare at me every time I step outside my house.

We'll have the beach! Even if we're too poor to afford a coffee or a meal in a restaurant, we can still have somewhere to go. We can sit in the sand and watch the waves, or the surfers, or the sunset. This is way more than there is to do in San Juan. Stupid San Juan.

Mango season. Four kilos for 20 pesos! This is helping my mango-a-day commitment.

Not living with the in-laws. While I think I'm going to miss some of my in-laws quite a lot, I am excited to finally have our own place again. I look forward to being able to operate on my own schedule (well, Hanix's, really) instead of everyone else's. Here, for example, no one eats lunch until the men come home from work (or drinking) and decide they're ready. This could be any time between 1:00 and 4:00. I think that's shitty, because I don't like being kept from my food, and I look forward to eating meals whenever I want. (Of course, without mother-in-law around I'll probably be eating a lot more cereal and a lot less of her good cooking. But we'll see. Maybe I'll surprise us.)

Of course, I'm scared about having no help whatsoever, since I don't know anyone there. Even though I'm with Hanix almost all the time, I do occasionally get a few minutes break here or there from a relative.

I'm scared we'll find no work and won't be able to afford the higher prices.

I'm scared Hernan or Hanix won't handle the heat or the humidity, and Hernan will decide to move back to San Juan.

After almost two years of having no friends, I'm scared that maybe I'm actually some kind of antisocial freak who can't connect with anyone, and I'll find myself in a bush, stalking some nice-looking couple with a toddler. They'll discover me and make a scene, and it will ruin all my chances of ever having friends again. Ever. I'll die soon thereafter from a loneliness explosion.

What I REALLY hope happens is that Hernan and I will both make friends, and some of those friends will even enjoy mixed interactions, you know, men AND women, hanging out TOGETHER. And maybe a few of them will even be atheists like us. And maybe a few of them will play board games. And maybe a few of them will have kids too, and Hanix can have play dates, and we'll swap child care sometimes. And maybe we'll get really great jobs. And maybe I'll win the lottery and take up surfing. And I'll become bff with dolphins and sea turtles. And when we walk to the plaza everyone will break out in song and dance and small children will throw ribbons and flowers in the air, and somehow everyone's wearing matching sequined outfits and headbands and is singing on key and the birds are singing and the street dogs play piccolos and a kindly gentleman offers us lemonade and the sun smiles at us all.

I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. What? Am I the first to congratulate you on this AMAZINGLY GREAT NEWS!!!??

    CONGRATULATIONS! That's great!!

  2. They shut down the schools in Nayarit 3 wks early cos parents are afraid to send their kids

    Nayarit: escuelas adelantan fin de cursos por la violencia

    All sorts of critters inhabit thatch roofs, but you already had to deal with vermin and bugs in SJ, didn't ya?

    I wish you could go home and get some funds, work, whatever-would make living down there a little better

    I'd offer prayer but that doesn't mean anything to you so, good luck anyway


  3. Good luck! I hope the move brings you a needed change.

  4. Wow this is such happy happy news. I'm really so pumped for y'all! I think you made an excellent choice and that in time you'll find everything you'd hoped for there, except maybe the piccolo playing street dogs.

    The best news is that you said they don't stare over there! They stare here in this rotten rancho. And, yes, it's hard to take after awhile. It's got to where I'd rather not leave the house because of it. But, well we leaving soon too. Before I leave forever, I'd love to walk all over town and stick my tongue out at everyone and say "que me ves culebra?"

    Yay for you and your sweet little family! Keep us posted! And tell Hernan Happy Father's Day!

    Freedom at last!

  5. Awesome far is that from your inlaws? Ya know....every city and town has it's ups and downs....but it's how we choose to make the best of it all. You will LOVE living by yourself! I was a bit scared to leave my inlaws...but it was the best choice we've made. Then u always have a place to go visit and eat good food! :) Cant wait to here all about it!

  6. Thats great news! Hope everything works out for you guys, you will be in my thoughts!

  7. Mel - I know I'm in for more troubles. That's life, after all. But I'm hoping I'll be happier there than here. And it will mean keeping my family together. We can at least try, yes? Thanks for commenting.

    Jenny Jo - Thank you! Maybe Sayulita isn't as cool as the Bay Area, but I'll get to keep my husband with me. I'm excited!

    Katie - thank you. I hope so, too.

    Gail - Thanks! I'm glad we're both "getting out"! It's like a jail sentence is over. Well, we're still looking into Canada, and trying for the States, too, but in the meantime, we're shaking things up down here, too. Thanks for the encouragement to make a change! Good luck to us both!

    Sunshine - I know it won't be all sparkle pants and rainbows. I do have realistic expectations. But I'm willing to try trading one set of ups and downs for another. I'm very excited about having my OWN place again. VERY.

    Mama - thank you! I appreciate the good wishes.

  8. Thanks for updating! I was thinking about you the other day. Lots of good thoughts and luck coming your way! I wouldlove to be in a beach town, orat leastcloser. I love thecoast.

    Hopefully getting out on your own will be thething your family needs. I admire your desire to make it workand llok forward to reading yournew adventures.

    Have fun moving (if thatis possible.)

  9. Oooooo YAY!!!! OMG I'm so happy for you! LOL I always tried to be sunny about living with ALLLL of those in-laws but truth be told GOOD LORD that must have been hard!! HOORRAAYY for being alone!

    And ok, when you do make friends (cuz you're SO going to!) don't be surprised that after you hang out with them the first few times you might get a headache or feel COMEPLETLY drained. LOL I know it sounds insane, but when I finally made a friend after 11 months of being alone it was lol TAXING on my brain to interact again! I loved every SECOND but I wasn't used to it and my body responded physically. Crazy but true, kind of like exercising after being lazy for a year :D

    I'm so excited for you, and can't wait to hear all you're going to have to say! :) And hey if you can't find work, we've got plenty up here!

  10. Wow this is really going to be a good thing. I had read about the schools in that area but maybe the whole state isnt as bad and maybe that town isnt. Maybe start talking to hubby now about those fears and what you all should do if it doesnt work. (Like move to mid Jalisco where we live where its nice all year around and safe as my little hometown in the States ) ;) Ok so you may not pick my area but for sure talking to him about your fears early and making a plan that doesn't include going back to the in laws cant hurt. I'm so excited your getting out. You will love his family so much more and get this... even be excited to go see them from time to time. That will be a nice change ehh

  11. Congrats again! Your ending fantasy of being swept up into a musical number really sounds like a Bollywood movie, esp. with the matching sequined outfits. I heartily approve. After having had only one person to hang out with for over a year in India and never being able to make any other friends, I thought perhaps I too had developed some kind of disease that prevents me from having normal social interactions. But, coming back and moving to Portland and meeting new people shows me, nope it wasn't me, it was damn India. I'm ok. Also, walking down the street and not having every single person stare at me every day = worth all the effort. Every day of regular ol' anonymity is still like a dream (or musical fantasy number, if you prefer), and I've been here now over a month. It'll be great! And Beach! woo-hoo.

  12. Glad to hear it. Sayulita even has its own web site, touting itself as "One of the greatest places on the planet" so it sounds to me like you've made a good choice. It sounds like an interesting place, and more importantly, it sounds like there are eclectic mix of people living there. You may be feeling like an antisocial freak right now, but knowing you two, I dont doubt for a moment you guys well find friends. Also, your baby is adorable, so play that card and play it often. I hope things work out for you guys. Nick.

  13. yay! I am so excited for you all and really can't wait to hear how it goes. I'm rooting for the dolphins and sea turtles, since you were doing all that shark wrestling training recently :)

    It's been quite some time since I've made "new" friends and I feel that way too - that I don't know how to meet people and how to be normal ... but I have a feeling you'll do just fine :)

  14. Rebecca - thank you! Actually, I've never enjoyed the moving part as much as I am now. I'm cheerfully making lists of what to bring. Where will you be moving to in Jalisco?

    Gringa - I love how exuberant you are. And that's too funny about feeling drained afterwards! Well, I'll let you know how Sayulita turns out, and then I'll work on convincing all you bloggers to move there, too. :)

    Amanda - Yeah, Plan B's are good. We're talking about it. Thanks for the advice. You're right!

    Robin - It looks like our parallel lives are no longer so parallel. Ah well. Congratulations on moving to Portland. I like Portland rather lots and approve of you being there. I will let you know the next time I'm up there (I have friends and my sister there.) And it's true, my fantasy is to have a Bollywood moment one day. I may have to coordinate it myself, but it will happen. And, yes, friends + not being stared at = excellent.

    Nick - Yes, I will most definitely be using my child to lure people into conversations with me. You know that it's true. Sayulita is a funny place, it's full of tourists and surfers and hippie types (wait... Santa Cruz?) I don't think it's our final destination, but I think it should be fun for a while. And the ocean is real purty, too.

    Jess - thanks! Yes, my new acuatic friends will be great. I'll introduce you some time. :)

  15. Vadoose, we will be living in el grullo. Its a medium size. Town about 2.5hrs west of guadaljara and 2hrs east of ,elaque/barra de navidad

  16. Congrats! Seems like the best move for you guys. Wishing you the best of luck. Sending all my sparkling, effervescent, friend-making vibes your way. (You're going to be fine.)
