My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We Gotta Get Out Of This Place

It's that time, folks! Who wants to play the Where To Next Game? Will it be San Francisco? Berkeley? Portland? Sayulita? Vancouver? Naha? You want to throw out a suggestion? Lay it on me! Know of a good place to live in Mexico? Have a work hook up for me someplace? Because San Juan Donkey Balls Cosalá is a pit of misery and I'm through.

Last night a group of men in a vehicle pulled a gun on my husband. They weren't trying to rob him, they don't know him, as far as we can figure it was a bunch of guys just looking for some Wednesday night fun. He and his buddy jumped off the malecon into Lake Chapala and fled. Who knows if the little gang bangers would have pulled the trigger, but I'm glad no one found out.

My husband has been in his share of fist fights, but he never looks for trouble. I can say that here in town he's friends with everyone and their mom, and I mean it. He really is friends with their moms. And their dads. And their cousins. And their little brothers. He's not the kind of guy that stirs up trouble. But here in San Juan he's been attacked more than once from behind. It's never been from anyone he had any beef with. It's just stupid San Juanecos who have no prospects in life except to grow up to be the biggest asshole on their block. We've been hollered at and followed and he's been attacked, even when he's been with me. In fact, they use me to try to get him to fight them. If they insult me while we're walking, they hope he'll get mad enough to engage them in a fight. When that doesn't work, they just come up from behind and try to hit him in the head.

Hernan seems sure the assholes last night aren't from here, though. He says he doesn't think they're from El Chante or Ajijic, either. Maybe Jocotepec. He doesn't know. He just knows they pulled up, yelled some obscenities and aimed the gun at him.

We're not telling his family because his mother might die of worry, and his older brother might try to get involved. He is going to have a talk with his teenage brother about staying safe, though. We think they were probably looking for just anyone, and we're not in any danger of these guys stalking us or anything. But shit.

This last week I was already gearing up to make a move. I've been thinking of going back to the Bay Area to look for work. I'm too lonely down here. I'm tired of just killing time. Now I'm wondering if I should pick someplace else so I can drag Hernan with me. We both hate this town.

Now, I do of course realize that there are hoodlums with guns everywhere. I do think that in other places we've lived, though, we could usually avoid violence by minding our own business. In San Juan, that doesn't seem to be true.

I don't know what comes next. I do know I'm ready to move on. I hate this town.


  1. I can relate somewhat. When I first moved to Tulum I was not a fan. But we have always been very safe here.

    Have you considered Tulum? I love it here. We are close enough to Playa del Carmen that we can all get what we need and Tulum is full of a bunch of beach hippies! I am originally from Portland and lived in SF for 10 years. I am glad we made the move.

    All will work itself out. I am so sorry to hear that there are a bunch of punks running around. That is what it sounds like. I have lived in very dangerous areas before infected with guns, gangs and drugs but stupid ass kids with nothing better to do and no moral standard is hard to battle.

  2. San Jose de Gracia in Jalisco is a lovely small town.

  3. I'm looking for a replacement for my position at Colegio de Lenguas Adelita in Guanajuato, Gto. There are lots of young people and culture here and I have always felt safe. You could work here in Administration as well as help the school start its English program. Good luck with your decision.

  4. That's horrible!!! Glad to hear you guys are safe.

    I agree with Christy. Gto, Gto is a GORGEOUS town, the kinda town you wanna retire in... there are alot of young kids because all the art schools are there. Cervantino is an AMAZING festival in Oct and the govt REQUIRES people to maintain their houses. It's pretty controlled.

    GDL has its problems, but there's not too many. It's a big city, so it depends on where you go. I work in downtown and it's not the best area... but I live in Zapopan, a quieter, nicer area. Lots of people, you'll always have something to do... plus you got the bonus of being near his family, when you want to.

    Stay Safe.

  5. So glad Hernan is safe. It must be horrible to be somewhere that you don't want to be and then on top of that have to deal with random violence. I totally agree with Gail there is only so much lemonade you can make and then YA!! I hope you guys can make your decision swiftly and have some peace soon.

  6. Thanks everyone! Yeah, there comes a time when you know you have to move on. I knew this already, but the gun thing just made me know it better. I'll let you know where we end up!

  7. I am so glad that he's okay! How scary. I know you'll make the right choice for yourself and your family, just trust your gut.


  8. Geez, I would be crazy to recommend Reynosa. Border = violence. It seems the good thing is most of the violence is directed at those involved in the violence. The good things about Reynosa are it is close to Texas, no one seems to bother anyone, and we´ve got quite a group of gringas that hang out that all have children. I´m the exception (children are grown). This is not a recommendation, just an option.
