My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hey Water, Your Mom Is Ugly!

It's not like we didn't know the rainy season was upon us. Just yesterday I told Hernan that we needed to do a few things to prepare for the next big storm. We needed to reseal the roof over the kitchen, move things in from the living room (which is essentially out of doors), move the couches away from the canvas "walls", figure out a way to prevent water from coming in through the somewhat open window in the bedroom... I've said it before, our house isn't really sealed off from outside so much. We've got cracks and holes and big gaping spaces everywhere. It's why my house fills with dust every day during the dry season and why last night at about 2:00 it became a swimming pool.

The storm was really quite fantastic. There was thunder and lightening and it was raining so hard it felt like a water siege, like someone had done something to really piss water off and now water was getting its revenge. The high winds made me think one of the tiles from the roof was bound to blow off and smack me upside the head, and the overall mood was enhanced by the light show going on across the street, where a transformer was shooting off sparks like one of the toros they have in the plaza during the festivities.

Of course, we didn't do those things on the list. Hernan got "distracted" by some buddies, and I didn't think I should have to do all the work if he wasn't going to. So, I guess I'm saying we kind of deserved what we got.

At about two in the morning I woke up to the sound of torrential rain and thought, "What a lovely sound". A few moments later I thought, "Shit! My laptop!" and leaped out of bed and ran into the living room, dragging Hernan with me.

The casualties were numerous: some books, papers, the clean laundry, a chocolate bar, blankets, shoes. Pretty much every last thing in the living room was soaked. My laptop, though, I rescued just in time and is safe and dry.

The kitchen, too, was hit. One of the walls leaks. The bedroom was almost as bad as the living room because of our new window that doesn't really close all the way. It was a scramble of moving things and throwing towels around and doing whatever we could think of to minimize the soakage.

And the critters were trying to escape the storm, too. There were crickets on the walls, a cockroach in our bed (sob!) and a scorpion over the door.

This morning we found everything covered in mud, and puddles all over the floor. We had about three inches of mud in front of the house.

I appreciate that we get an especially sunny day today. I have all of our stuff hung out on the laundry lines drying.

But the rain cleans up the air and makes the mountain green again, and this morning we had a marching band pass in front of our house, so you know it's a good day.


  1. You know about the Tarahumara, right? The modern-day Mexican cavemen? Heh, they really don't have much on you

  2. Anon.....must have never lived in Mexico! You are in GOOD spirits to have gone through all that! High five mama! Scorpion is enough to set me off! I cried for hours when i saw a scorpion in our bedroom.....half of it was pregnancy hormones though! As long as your happy....that's all that matters. Cause when mama's happy.....everyone else is happy! :)
