My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Shark Wrestling

Sometimes when you buy a "brand new" battery, it's actually an old crappy piece of crappity crap, that crappily dies all the time because it's crap. This applies to car batteries as well.

In other news, I've finally gone completely mad. I'm storing the base of my blender in the freezer, just to keep the roaches from taking up residence there a third time. There's no room in the fridge, in case you are wondering. And I open all the kitchen cupboard doors at night in a wretched attempt to make the shelves less desirable as living space. I know. I should really get over the cockroaches, but last night I saw a cockroach the size of a nightstand crawl into the house from outdoors through a crack in the wall (one of many) and that may have been what did me in.

This leads me to update number three. If you reread the last paragraph, you may notice that I casually mentioned kitchen cupboards. What's this? Who's got kitchen cupboards now? Me. That's who. They're kind of not finished, in that they don't have handles and some of the shelves still lack doors. And one of the doors kind of refuses to open. BUT I at least have somewhere to put dishes and food now. The book shelf I'd been using was no longer working out so well, now that my baby can reach the three bottom shelves and delights in (1) climbing, and (2) tossing.

That's really all I have to say for myself. I might take pictures of my cupboards just to prove to you how much I've just moved up in the world. But then again, I might not. I guess I'll liven up this boring post my mentioning that I'm training for a shark wrestling competition. Cool, no?

1 comment:

  1. Yes - and how is it they are SO FAST! I swear I sprayed one with glass cleaner and it raced off at 130 mph. I wouldn't be so ridiculously scared of them if they were slower. And if they weren't so big. Alley cats is right!
