My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Mango A Day...

Eleven months out of the year we are avocado wealthy. My father-in-law brings them home by the bag-full from the various trees on the ranch where he farms. And those are just the ones he picks up off the ground. Occasionally Hernan will go out there and climb up in the trees to bring home a whole box of them. It's almost always season for one variety or another, and we nearly always have avocados on hand for every meal.

This time of year is the one exception. For about a month we don't have any. If we get desperate we could always buy some from a shop, but we're too spoiled most of the year to do that. So we take an avo break.

To make up for this lack, I've decided that the month of June will be dedicated to a different fruit. Mangoes, you see, are in season.

I've resolved to eat mango every day for the month of June. It's my duty, as I see it.

Day four, so far so good.

Living in San Juan isn't all bad, I guess.


  1. mangoes are my favoritist fruit! honestly, everyone goes ga-ga about manilas, but i prefer ataulfos.

    jealous about the avocados. they are super expensive here!! i used to buy them cheaper in the US, but here in DF, we pay about 30-40 pesos per kilo. which means we don't get to eat them very often :(

  2. My husband has a huge avacodo tree. I LOVE them. When i was there in the begining of May, watermelons were the big thing. They were everywhere.

  3. I love Mango also but am to lazy to cut them up and eat them every day. Isn't that horrible. My girls love them to and because my suegra knows how much I hate preparing them shes always sure to bring one and cut it for them. lol

  4. Don't get me started on mangoes or I'll end up sounding like Bubba Gump! :) Agua de mango, paletas de mango, puree de mango, jugo de mango, mango salsa, mango cheesecake.....

    I could go on and on and on! :)

  5. Alice - agreed on the mango preference! When I was up in Oregon I saw one (small) avocado for three dollars! Now do you feel better? :)

    Rebecca - watermelons are big too, but I don't love them nearly as much.

    Amanda - Me, too! That's actually one of my mango-a-day reasons: I'm too lazy about cutting them. I figure that if I do it every day for a month, I'll get super good at it and be, like, a mango slicing wizard or something. I'm already less lazy about it, too. I suggest you commit to a mango-slicing regiment, as I have.

    Leslie - uuu! mango cheesecake! I think I need that. So far I've just been eating them plain, but this morning I committed to mango and black bean stew, mango lassi, mango + cardamom + ice cream, mango/coco smoothie, and I've been wanting to make a mango salsa for a few years now. So, if you have any stellar recipes or tips, I would appreciate some guidance or inspiration. :)

  6. When I first moved to Mexico a good friend who lives in a small mayan village told me "if you docus on the fact that you cannot find rice-a roni you will go crazy... but if you focus on the fact you just bought 3 pineapples for a dollar you will be thrilled."

    This was never more true then for mangoes- very expensive and not that great back home- here we just pick them off the trees!

  7. Here's something mildly funny- my new favorite salad is mango and avo slices doused with a bit of lime juice. It's delightful. Maybe you can give it a try next month. =)

  8. You know, before I came to Mexico I'd never really eaten a Mango OR an Avacado and now they're like....STAPLES!! Wonderful staples that I love so much :) It's wonderful the GOOD things that are here in Mexico to be found. :) Good luck on your Mango-a-day :)
