My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


It has been my experience that Mexicans love their fireworks. Not the fancy ones that leave a glittering image of a unicorn leaping through a ring of flames, just old-fashioned explosions. One big BOOM! after another. They call them cuetes, though I've heard that cohetes is the correct word. I have another word for them, in English, but I won't write that here. In might offend the sensibilities of some of my readers.

Cuetes go off roughly every all the friggin time. And most of the time we no longer notice them. It's hard to pay much attention to the sound over the din of highway traffic, neighbors screaming at their kids, kids screaming at each other, dogs barking, gas truck jingles, bullhorn advertisements, the TV downstairs, bottles breaking, La Cucaracha car horns, drunks whistling and hollering at other drunks, and the lady with the hyena laugh.

But sometimes the neighbors get overly zealous. And then they set of, like, fifty. At 11:00 at night. Or 5:00 in the morning. And I have to ask - is this a special holiday? Is it the day of an important saint? Is tomorrow the remembrance of an event of great historical significance to the nation?

Because, if not, why in tarnation are you waking my baby up?

1 comment:

  1. Oh....for some reason I just realized how darn funny you are...and you hit the nail on the head each and every time. Here in Reynosa we dont hear to many fireworks...well cause it scares the plp here to much...we cant figure out if it's a hand grande or a not too many plp are doing them these days. However they havent stopped with the all night parties with the
    myyy mamam cameeeee
    my baby cameeeee
    sheeeee daddda

    orrrrr my favorito...cause a group of gals at a party who stayed in the back all night while the husbands stayed in the front all night...taught me how to dance like a this song
    No Rompas mas
    Me esta corazon

    Cant I tell you how much i love to dance to
    The spanish version of Billy Ray Cirus
    Simple pleasure
