My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

We're home again.

We're back with my honey.
We're back with my in-laws.
Back to having our own space and having nowhere to go.
Back to mosquitoes and traffic and barking dogs.
Back to dust everywhere, and house projects, and cockroaches.
Back to tamales and taquitos and chilaquiles. Back to knock your socks off spicy food for breakfast.
Back to small town gangsters looking for fights.
Back to food full of sugar and artificial ingredients.
Back to family eager to squeeze Hanix and give him treats.
Back to avocado. Back to mango.
Back to staying out of the afternoon sweltering heat.
Back to the TV always on. Back to sirens.
Back to our kiddy pool.
Back to Hanix's walker.
Back to shoes on in the house.
Back to bottled water.
Back to my bed.
Back to laundry lines.
To loneliness.
To Spanish.
To roosters.
To hugs.

We're home again.


  1. Found your blog whilst you were away, and had hoped you had the good sense to stay (away). Then again, part of me hoped that you'd be back to write again about the idosyncracies of our friends and family, the Mexicanos. Welcome back.

  2. I got back home to Mexico today too! Flew out of LAX on the red eye and got to the Morelia airport at 6 this AM and home to Patzcuaro at 9 AM. I was in Portland OR for 2 weeks visiting my daughter. I loved the rain. The new green leaves were growing like crazy. The lovely helicopter seeds from the Maple trees were falling down, the squirrels were calling, warblers were singing, tulips and Pink Dogwoods were blooming everywhere all over Southeast Portland, where my daughter lives. It was a lovely sight at every turn. I walked and rode Trimet and I went to Fred Meyer on Hawthorne and Food Fight on Stark and I hung out in Pioneer Square and we ate at the Food Carts downtown........*sigh*.....I had a wonderful visit my daughter.

  3. Anon - Yes, well, it turns out I'm rather fond of my husband. So here we are again. Hope you enjoy the posts.

    Gail - well, well! I flew out of Portland, too, through LAX on a red eye. But a different night. And, yes, I was in SE. Isn't it lovely? All the flowers! The lilacs smelled so heavenly. And, yes, I went to the Fred Meyer on Hawthorne. I wonder if we didn't cross paths... Well, welcome home to you too, then.

  4. I can't believe we were there at the same time. Wow. It would have been nice to meet up for coffee somewhere and share our stories. If only I had found your blog earlier...

    Yeah the Lilacs were breath-taking. The Buckeye trees were blooming too. There are some really huge Buckeye trees a block or so north of the Barley Mill Pub on Hawthorne. They're fantastic trees with a huge canopy, and they were full of blooms. Jeepers, I love Portland.

  5. Welcome back! I too thought you decided to stay away ;)

  6. Welcome home, and yes so bittersweet, but you know I often think life is no matter what road your on. Looking forward to future posts.

  7. Welcome back, amiga! Can't wait to read about your trip! :)
