My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hot, Dry, Dusty

For those of you who just can't wait for summer, here's a little over-sharing.

It is so hot here that I'm sweating not just from the usual places, but also from the backs of my hands. Who knew that one could even sweat from there? I'm not even a particularly sweaty person. Not like that guy you got partnered with that one time when your friends dragged you to a ballroom dance class. Not like him at all!

I admit, though, that it could be that I foolishly hung up my laundry in the sun with a 26+ pound baby strapped to my back that was what pushed my body to the point of such desperation that it felt forced to expel water from even my hands. Honestly, I should have just taken the wash and thrown it into a pile on the bed. It probably would have dried in an hour anyway.

Also, I'm sitting here considering what would be the least amount of clothing that I could get away with wearing today. I think a bikini would somehow be less inappropriate than undergarments. If I stayed in the house and didn't go out, I could probably get away with the bikini. If I fill the kiddie pool with water and get in it with my baby, then it even becomes almost understandable. "Almost", because my in-laws don't wear swim gear into the water. They swim in shorts and T-shirts.

Alright - the battle commences: should I endeavor to clean my house, lie on my bed wishing Hanix would nap so I could too, or spend the rest of the day with Hanix in the kiddie pool? Man, life is so full of tough choices.


  1. Ain't it the truth! 'Miserable May' Hate it. The only thing that keeps me going in knowing next month will be HEAVEN! Hopefully. . .
    Ummm, bikini. . .I can just hear the scuttlebutt!!!

  2. RAIN! Great and glorious rain. Thunder that sounds like the mountain cracked in half and lightening that illuminates the entire lake. No need to water the garden anymore.
    And, well yes, flash floods, pinche trafico, no humidity tho we're dry up here.
    Now see, RD has the right idea. . .skankiest bikini! Love it, go ahead and dig up that thong, sport it around and enjoy the scuttlebutt! They're just jealous anyway.

  3. y did u nam ur papoose for Jap earth moving equipment? Shoulda told the Greaser NO, more than once!

  4. NO CLEANING AND NO COOKING. Thats been my modo for at least a week now. I actually just looked up a bunch of yummy no cook foods so we can stop eating sandwiches and cut up fruit. I do my launder at like 8 am and don't go take it down till after the sun is gone. Today it was nice enough in my apartment that I actually mopped. Yes I have been that lazy but I also am a person who doesn't sweat easy and its been so hot in our apartment that I sweat just walking across the room. Again Ill say... NO COOKING NO CLEANING.
    Not till the rain comes and cools us off.
