My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sick, Skinny, and Toothless

I've mentioned before that I'm a terrible mother to my baby, and I'm regularly reminded of this by well-meaning family. That they tell me this doesn't surprise me, because on other occasions I've heard things like "I didn't like you at first, not at all. I said, 'she's too gringa for him. She'll never last.'" and "My kids are really ugly. They're so dark-skinned." and (to a cousin of the family) "Your older daughter is very pretty, but the younger one is kind of ugly, isn't she?" I've even heard a relative tell a mother her baby was ugly. Tell a mother her baby is ugly!? Isn't that a universal taboo? Not here!

So, I've been ready for the criticism. Here are some of the recent critiques directed at me.

He has ONLY two teeth. He's coming up on 9 month now, so he'd better hop-to. I mean, yeah, I agree that he'd better grow some more teeth at some point. It would be a sad thing to go through life with only two itty-bitty teeth. Can you imagine the teasing? He'd have a heck of a time getting a date. But I'm not concerned that he doesn't yet have a mouthful of teeth. My lack of concern, however, is just a sign of my negligence. I was recently told that not only is it alarming that he doesn't have more teeth, it's also a direct result of my bad parenting. First, I should have started giving him solid foods at three or four months to encourage the onset of tooth growth, because tooth growth only occurs if there is sufficient demand for it. Had I given him chewing gum, I assume, he'd have a whole shiny set of teeth by now. And second, he "isn't getting enough calcium". His near constant nursing plus all the food he eats (and holy smokes does this kid eat!) apparently have left him with a calcium deficiency, which his body has dealt with by putting tooth production on hold.

Nearly our whole household has been sick this month. We're nine people here, and all of us have been sick except the 96-year-old-strong-as-nails grandmother and my been-on-another-drinking-binge-for-two-weeks alcoholic-father-in-law. Go figure. The rest of us able-bodied young folk: sick. This includes my baby boy. And yet, even though all of us are sick, it's clear that he's sick only because I refuse to dress him in sufficiently warm clothing for the near-arctic temperatures we're experiencing. I'm totally nuts in thinking it's hot here, and my refusal to bundle my baby in hat and coat is clearly the reason he now has a runny nose. Poor darling.

Finally, he's not nearly the chubby wonder he was during the first seven months of his life. That's right, Mr. Tubby Rolls has slimmed down. Oh, he's still a heavy weight. The Internet informs me that he's still in the 98th weight percentile for his age, like he has been all along, but he recently grew longer and has been very active with his standing and walking and wounded-soldier crawling all over the house. So, you know, he has a neck now, and I no longer have to excavate the body lint out of his fat rolls. Still, this is a sign that I'm not feeding him enough and he's malnourished.

So there you have it. Bad mother.

On the upside, his great grandmother tells him he's very pretty and she will teach him to sew and that he'll be very good at making tortillas. So there's hope for him yet!


  1. I'm glad you can take all in stride (with a little venting on your blog). I think if that happened to me, a few in-laws would be missing mysteriously.

  2. What?!! You're letting your baby crawl? :) I refused to put my kids in a walker and I let them crawl all over the floor. But I was criticized that this was the worst thing I could do to my kids because they would never learn to walk and would have weak ankles for the rest of their lives. ;)

    Hooray for you for taking it all in stride!

    (P.S.) I still can't understand how a person can tell a mother that she has an ugly baby! That is just wrong!!!

  3. Hells yes to making good tortillas! Will he be able to do that by the time you visit us next month? 'Cause that would be awesome ;)

    (we can't wait to see you, tortillas or not, by the way :) and just fyi, our wine cabinet is in desperate need of a little thinning...)

  4. I can't get over the ugly baby outing thing. I know ugly babies exist but it's just so SO WRONG to tell someone that their baby IS! Just. . damn!

    So you're a sucky gringa too? That's cool, we should start a club. "Pinches Weras" has a nice feel to it I think.

    I aparently starve Daisy as well - yet unlike you I'm still cleaning out lint and milk from various rolls and creases. Dear lord she has TWO phases to her neck roll fat! And yet, if she cries in their presence it's automaticaly "She's hungry! followed by brooding stares." And if I say I JUST fed her then it's that I didn't feed her enough.


    It's totally cute that she said he'd be a good tortilla maker :) I wonder why? His hands??

  5. Rita - well we all have our own ways of coping. ^_^

    Leslie - yes, Hanix will never walk because he's usually barefoot (and we all know shoes are necessary for walking. I think that's when our ancestors became bipedal: the invention of the sneaker. Right?) But he does have half a chance now that his grandma acquired a walker for him. I refused to spend money buying one, so she found one from a relative and now he's saved. He just might learn to walk yet. Of course, he's actually much closer to walking than any of his same-aged shoe-wearing, walker-toting cousins. So... I must just be lucky!

    Cate - I'll give him some masa and see what he can do! As for your wine cabinet, I hate to tell you this, but tortilla making or no, Hanix is too young for the booze just yet! Shame on you for trying to get my baby drunk!

    Gringa - yeah, no kidding. I got this one a lot (since I was breastfeeding): "Your milk must not be filling him up." and "You need to switch to formula because your milk is no longer good for him." and "When are you going to give him formula, can't you see he's still hungry after nursing. You need to give him formula." ... Now I bet you ten pesos that had I been giving him formula he STILL would have been starving! ^^ ahh, well. So it goes.

  6. When you get this unsolicited, albiet well-meaning suggestions (commands), always consider the source. I have to remind myself of this with my Mexican relatives - who will bundle up babies like eskimos when the temperature falls below 60, then hand them a baby bottle filled with Coca-Cola on the way out the door, slipping them pieces of a Gansito or Rocko treats. Tooth decay, anyone?

    So don't let the Mexican family make you feel insecure, do what you feel is best. :-)

  7. :) Sounds like maybe I'm not the only one with opinionated in-laws.

    I suppose it can be hard, too, when your innies are from the same culture and speak the same language, but the cultural differences sure can complicate things. For the most part I love my in-laws, especially Hernan's mom. They're terrific. But we still run into challenges (like, I'm not smearing him with Vick's or bathing him in lettuce leaves.)

    And for the record, I'm a big fan of flour-filled piñatas.

  8. Vadose as always thank you for your rant, you know my baby is only a little older than your little chunk. In-laws were the same with me about the walker and the first time they saw her pulling up on the furniture they all about had a heart attack. For the record she has been walking for a month now and wont be a year old till the end of the month.
    Here is an in-law rant for you. When I was planning Joslins birthday party Issacs mom insisted that I have one out at El Valle for the family (20+min from my home). And I explained to her that I only wanted to have one party and not two. She then began to question weather I knew anyone other than the family at El Valle and every time I began to get a syllable out she would say "Oh yes Issacs friends from work." I got so frustrated I just did the Mexican lie thing and told her I would talk to Issac about it. When he got home I pulled him aside and said, please tell your mom we are having one party and it will be here in town. Thankfully she caved when she saw he was on my side of this. And I just need to say I invited 20 families and only 3 of those were from Issacs work. So there!!!! ;)

  9. I'm glad you have this blog, at the very least as a reminder that you're normal and everyone else is crazy. (Seriously! What did people do before the Internet?) I always see the babies in DF bundled underneath layers of blankets, while the sun is shining and it's 70F. Poor things have got to be sweating.

    Also, your fat little baby sounds completely and utterly adorable.
