My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Two Wheeled Love Affair

The last time I was on a bike I was nine months preggo.

The closest I've come to cycling in the last ten months was pedaling my baby's legs around to help him pass air. But today Hernan decided not to sell my bicycle (yet) and went to retrieve it from the man who thought he was buying it. (Yeah, I don't really know. That's just how it works around here.) We irresponsibly threw Hanix into his carry pack on Hernan's back and took off for Jocotepec.

Let me just say that we fell in love all over again. Me and my bicycle, I mean.

We rode to Joco on the newly paved and newly widened highway. We're still waiting for them to finish the ciclopista (bike path) alongside the highway, but in the meantime the road is pretty nice. They widened the highway so that now there is a lane and a half going in each direction. This extra half lane is, I assume, to make passing easier, and so that slow moving vehicles like old trucks, tractors and donkeys can stay to the side.

Hanix loved the ride. He smiled and watched the world go by, and then conked out and slept the rest of the way.

And mama loves bike rides too.

Once we came up on Jocotepec the roads got uglier, full of potholes and speed bumps and gravel, and traffic was much more chaotic. We bought bags of juice, drank them in the plaza, and then rode home again.

Good day.

The end.

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