My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, March 5, 2010

VapoRub, Lime Juice and Chamomile Tea

I've posted before about Vick's VapoRub and its cure-all properties. Well, I bet you didn't know that it also cures cold-sores, callouses and muscle cramps. That's what they tell me, anyway. But that's not all.

Hernan woke up yesterday, and one of his eyes was a bit red. He said it felt a little dry, so his mother recommended he rub a little VVR on it to fix it up fast.

Let me be clear in case anyone has stumbled upon this blog in search of an eye remedy. I am in no way suggesting anyone ever put VapoRub in or around their eyes. In fact, I suggest you do not.

Her other suggestion for him was to put chamomile tea in his eyes, which he did do. He said it felt wonderful.

Chamomile tea has been recommended to us for many things. It might be the runner-up in the cure-all contest. We were told to give it to Hanix as a newborn to quench his thirst, to cure his tummy aches and acid reflux. We were told to put it down his nose to clear out the boogers. Apparently it also goes in the eyes.

Speaking of eyes, a man came to Hernan's job site yesterday to solder some iron beams. He did this without protective eye wear. Hernan was incredulous, because he always wears protective eye wear (a.k.a. his Fox sunglasses. A man's gotta look good while he's building a house.) He told me the man admitted that sometimes he would get metal splinters in his eyes. WHAT!? Shards of metal in his EYES! And he doesn't wear goggles or a mask or anything?

Then the man said that he would have to go to the doctor to get the metal removed, but since he's been going so often he's started having his wife do it for him. WHAT?

I'm a bit incredulous. But then he followed up with, "But sometimes when I just have a lot of dust or limestone in my eyes I just clean them out with lime juice."

Lime juice! In his EYES.

Apparently everyone else on the site agreed, saying that sometimes they put lime juice in their eyes to "clean them".

It seems Hernan got off easy with the chamomile tea.


  1. A big no on the lime juice. I've got a remedy you probably haven't heard of...breastmilk as eye drops. It works for babies and adults. My suegra's eye doctor in Guadalajara suggested she "clean" her eyes with breastmilk, several times a day. She didn't have to go far, because I was still nursing. And the weird thing is that it worked! :P

  2. Thats funny. I had pink eye last week and Leslie recommended my breast milk which was a maybe?? I mean I have tasted it out of curiosity. Too much information. In my eye mmmm dont know. The Vicks on the other hand I think would just mask the pain of the pink eye since it would probably hurt MORE. Thats just crazy. My friend rubs a cat tail on his eye when he has a Stye. Just the tip of the tail though works. He is from guatamala.

  3. While I was reading up on expressing and storing milk, I read that it has antibacterial properties. After bacteria were introduced to the milk the quantity then decreased over time (hours? a day? I forget.) So it's not such a crazy idea. I'd try that before VVR or lime juice anyway. And Wonderful - of course you tried it. ^_~ Who isn't a little curious?

  4. OH dude, Sunshine totally endorses using breast milk - like on EVERYTHING - and she's a lactation consultant! (and yep, in the eye's too!)

    And - OMGOSH no WAY!!! LIME! In their EYES!?? GAHHH why not gasoline while you're at it! Geeesssh! But fun, I love the crazy stuff we get to witness. Wow, just, dang.

  5. As a little update - Hernan got a bit of charcoal in his eye two days ago. His mother helped him apply VVR around his eyes (which did nothing to get the charcoal out). I offered to squirt him in the eye with a little mommy milk. And it worked! Not because of the milk (he wouldn't let me near him) but because it scared him into paying a visit to an eye doctor. heh, heh, heh...
