My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Niece A-Comin'

This post is about babies and them getting born, but nothing graphic. If the very topic makes you uncomfy or sceered, though, then read no more.

My sister-in-law is in labor. (That's right, we're just a breeding team down here!) My new niece will probably be born today.

I'm really pleased the doctors are "letting" her try to give birth the natural way. They've been threatening a cesarean. Cesarean rates are crazy high down here. Some hospitals have rates of 75, 80, even 85%.

At the pool party yesterday, aunts and cousins asked me whether I had scheduled a c-section. I said I was hoping to avoid one (slice open my abdomen? pass, please.), and the consensus was that I'm either incredibly brave or really innocent. That may be (probably the latter), but don't women all over the world push out babies, like, oh, pretty much all the time? Not that that makes it a piece of cake or anything (mmm... cake), but still, it seems like a pretty normal way to end preggerdom. I don't think trying it the old fashioned way first is a sign of bravery. I mean, really, at this point, this baby's gotta come out somehow (have I mentioned I'm humongous?), and trying to avoid major abdominal surgery doesn't strike me as brave, not exactly.

I'm pleased with my birth center in Guadalajara, with having a doctor and a doula who support natural birth, with having a say in what medical interventions I get. I think that's really what it's about: having a say. A woman should be well informed and able to to choose whether she wants the knife, narcotics, to sit in a tub of ice cream, or what have you. Whatever works, you know. That's true not just for having babies.

I hope my new niece's birth goes well for mom and baby. I can't believe it's only a few weeks or so before I go through this too. Crazy. I guess it's almost time to get the ice cream vat ready.


  1. Be sure to let us all know about the niece. I hope she and her mum are resting blissfully by now.

  2. You know that I completely agree with what Karen said but she said it so well ....

    There is also an experience that takes place (hormonally speaking) when a child passes through the birth canal that facilitates the Mother/ Child Bond that is so prevalent in mammalian species.

    A Caesarian is a surgery and there is recovery time due to anesthesia and stitches. I've seen women who can't even hold their baby for hours after the SURGERY. The recovery time being longer is putting it mildly and just the tip of the iceberg as far as comparing the two methods of getting the baby out of there somehow.

  3. So just checking in to meet you. I love the way this is written. And your right about the social status down here. Its nuts how obviously sectioned off the poor are from the rich and whats expected of each. Getting the babies Mexican birth cirt was a bit of a pain but we made it through. I know I posted on it but I cant remember the name. If you want Ill look it up and send you the direct link so you don't have to search my blog for it. As far as finding others who understand and are in your place, check out the list of blogs I read or the people who follow my blog. Some are here as retirees but some are girls like us who love their hubbies and want to keep their family together.
