My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wish I had a cinco de mayo party to go to

I did go back to ACA the other day, but perhaps I arrived at an off time, because no one much was around. I didn’t, therefore, get a chance to find out more about the organization or to convince anyone that they need my super farming skills. So I bought a bag of salad greens and left. I still consider this a success, because the lettuce is pretty tasty, and way better than the funky, old iceberg lettuce available in town.

After that I tried to walk to Jocotepec, but I got tired of the air pollution and the harassment from drivers passing by and was worried I’d never find a public restroom, so I decided to take a bus back home. Home is where the heart is? Nope. Home is where my bathroom is.

So I ventured out again yesterday and made it to Jocotepec, this time by bus. After visiting eight (8) shops, and asking all kinds of strangers for help, I finally managed to find (1) yeast for bread making, (2) baking soda, (3) spinach. The spinach looked like it had a had a rough life, so I left it there, and I wasn’t able to find cardamom, which I never really expected to. Still, a great victory.

And yes, I’m counting lettuce and baking soda as victory and success in my life. What of it? That’s just Ms. Optimism Me.

Also during my excursion, a shop owner tried to rip me off and give me back less money than I was owed. He even tried to trick me with a false receipt. Too bad for him I know a thing or two about maths, even maths in Spanish, and in the end he gave me my money. Then asked me to leave.

That’s about as exciting as life gets here. Today is cinco de mayo – I’m pretty sure no one here does anything to celebrate, since it’s basically an American holiday. So enjoy on my behalf the side of Mexico I don’t get down here – pitchers of margaritas, burritos, parties. I’ll just hang out and watch the mountain continue to burn.

This is the view from our place - the Modelorama (beer store) is directly across the highway from us. It's such a waste I can't better take advantage of it.

1 comment:

  1. I have some cardamom for you, but you'll have to go to my blog to get it. Also, I got shortchanged by a shopkeeper too on Monday! He ripped me off 30 rupees. As soon as he gave me my change, he ran back to the storeroom and didn't come out again, so rather than screaming at him to come out and give me my approximately 80 cents, I just left.
