My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby's Buff

My baby's gunna be ripped as soon as he loses that beer gut. We discovered today that he can do situps. If he's lying down and someone holds his feet, he just sits right up. Nothing to it. Like a buoy. Pop! He's sitting up now. Grinning. And screeching like a raptor. That's my boy! Ripped, grinning raptor child.


  1. How much does your baby weigh? My baby weighs 26 pounds and he is 1. They told me that he is a little big for his age, but then again in he is taller than other babies his age. How old is your baby, does he walk yet?

  2. My baby weighed about 20 pounds at 4 months! Luckily, he's slowed down in the weight gain. He's 6 and a half months now, and I think he's around 22 pounds or so. He's tall, too, for his age, so I see kids smaller than him walking around and talking. He's still just a li'l baby, but huge.

  3. My baby will eat anything. It is so cute to see him eat because he eats like us, but much smaller pieces and portions. He has his favorites like Trix (the rabbit) yogurt, queso fresco, pizza rolls, black beans. But he also eats the gerber graduate meals and snacks, but if I am eating something he makes sure to come and see what it is and then he lets me know if he would like a sample. When you take your baby to the check ups do they ever say if he is overweight like they do here? We were at the WIC office and I asked was he okay for his age and she said that his height and weight are proportionate, but on his weight chart he is not curving like the chart does he keeps going up, but they do not consider them overweight until they are 2, so they have a year to walk it off. I was asking what they say in Mexico because you know here in the US they are quick to say that a baby weighs too much or something. My daughter is 4 and she is too skinny to me, but they say her weight is good (according to the chart) they say she is taller to be 4. Who knows. I don't think he is too big, he is chunky, but he is cute and healthy.

  4. I think when they're so young it's more important to look at their total health, rather than the number of pounds or kilos they weigh. Those charts are just one more bit of information to add into the mix. Do they have good energy? Are they healthy and happy? Active? Are they developing normally? Continuing to grow taller? Yes the pediatricians said my baby was technically "overweight", but they also said it doesn't matter, because he's big all around (legs, hands, feet, chest, head... so it's proportional) and because he was (until recently) exclusively breastfed, which means the weight is supposed to come right off once he gets more mobile. My perspective is that at this age those other observations are probably more indicative of his health than his weight. And if he's healthy, and the people at WIC say he's fine, too, then you've probably got nothing to worry about. You'll probably hear the same thing in Mexico, too. I'd say the same goes for your 4 year old. Kids' growth can be all over the place. There's quite a range of "normal".
