My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Old Lady Me

It turns out that I'm a lot older than I knew. I thought I was still young, but it would seem I am decidedly not.

This epiphany struck tonight while I was giving my teenage bro-in-law his second English lesson.

He's a cool kid, so teaching him English is kind of fun, and it also means I have someone to talk to. And let's face it folks, I get lonely talking to my blog all the time. Hanix is still a lousy conversationalist (though he's mastered the razz pretty well), and Hernan is just not around much of the time (apparently he forgot how exciting and cool I am). So English classes it is!

Hanging out with a seventeen-year-old, though, has made it clear just how not young I am. Ah, San Juan! Where it's normal to be married and babied by 18 (if not 15) and old-lady-me is positively not in with the in crowd.

But this I'd already figured out. What drove it home was every pop culture reference I tried to use to get kid brother to remember the words I'm teaching him. They all fell flat.

Here are some examples:

"Bad": I start singing Michael Jackson's "Bad". Blank stare.
"Forest": I say "Run, Forrest, Run!". No clue. I admit, a poor attempt.
"Y" (the letter): I (of course) start singing and dancing "Y-M-C-A". Crickets.

The list goes on. Tonight involved a lot of me singing and him staring. Maybe not so helpful, then.

In a related story, nobody here seems to have ever heard of David Bowie. I'm not exactly a Bowie fan, but I thought he was famous enough to have made it to Mexico. Even my thirty-something sis-in-law doesn't know him, so I guess not everything can be attributed to generational differences and my ancient-ness.

Anyway, holy shitballs I gotta get back to the Bay. Before I break a hip!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! You managed to put a smile on this "old" housewife's face! And what is with people not knowing who David Bowie is? I'm always telling my hubby, "Let's dance. Put on your red shoes and dance the blues." But he just doesn't get it! :D
