My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Get It Together, 2010

It's been a pretty bum year so far. Just after midnight an acquaintance of my husband nearly crashed into him and our visiting friend and then did crash into a van outside of our house. Hernan had to play peacemaker between the van owner and the drunk driver. Another drunk driver hit a kid on one of the roads nearby. The kid is alive, though in the hospital. And the next morning we found out that one of my brother-in-law's friends, a 19 year old kid, died of heart failure (drinking and maybe drugs were involved). So Hernan has now buried two people with his shovel, the kid and his friends' dad. In other cheery news, my sister-in-law and her son had their visas revoked at the US border and have now moved in with us and the rest of the fam. And Hanix seems to have caught his cousin's cough.

In happier news, a friend visited for the last week of December, and left us all in good spirits (can't ya tell?) and also I took a nap yesterday and that was pretty terrific.

Happy new year, y'all.


  1. My gosh girl this sounds just awful. You have nowhere to go but up now.

  2. Jeez louise! What crap on top of crap! I'm sorry to hear all that. Hope your sister in law and her kid are nice.

    Did Hernan really help with the graves? That is food for thought. I have had friends die, and I did not even know where they were buried.

  3. Aww, I am sorry to hear all of this! But, like was previously posted, you have nowhere to go but up, right?
