My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Death Comes Calling

Hernan and I were chatting about death last night and how we'd really very much not like to die any time soon, you know, if given a choice in the matter. It seems Death has come to take care of a backlog here in San Juan. Hernan knows fifteen or more people who have died just this month here in town. Seven were close friends of the family or relatives. The others were not as close, but were still connected to us in the many ways everyone in town seems connected to us. The neighbor who always sold fish and is the father of Hernan's buddy's sister-in-law. The former school teacher. His father's close friend. His cousin's uncle. The man who worked for decades alongside the family growing squash at the ranch. His friends' father. The father of his uncle's wife. His brother's friend. Two of Hernan's clients are very ill. His father didn't come home yesterday, so we can assume he's on another drinking binge. Those usually last about two weeks.

Praise the chubby, happy baby who makes it all easier to handle.


  1. Sorry to hear about all the death. I guess that is one downer about a small town--bad things that happen affect everyone. But, babies do have a way of making everything better (especially if they let you sleep).

  2. Sorry to hear of all the loss, that really is hard to deal with and will make you think.
