My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Of Heathens And Ponies

Look, atheists aren't devil worshipers. That's the whole point - we don't have religion, godly, satanic or otherwise. If I had a peso for every person who doesn't get this, well, I could buy myself that pony I've been waiting for.

I found myself suddenly in a conversation about religion the other day. My sister-in-law is Catholic and her boyfriend is Southern Baptist (I think) (and, no, he's not Mexican). We weren't talking about the beliefs of any of us, but rather about the variety of Christians who had just entered my mother-in-law's shop and surprised us all by hugging my (Catholic) mother-in-law and bringing evil out of her forehead? I think that's what was happening. We were all a little surprised, not least of all my mother-in-law.

A few minutes later I found my sister-in-law explaining how she knows a man who isn't religious and yet (this was her point) he's actually a very nice man.

. . .

I decided to remind her that most atheists are indeed good, kind, compassionate and decent human beings. As a lot, we're probably neither better nor worse than any group of believers. I then further reminded her that both her brother and I are atheists.

"I know," and then she repeated, "but this guy is actually a good man, with morals" and her eyes got really big to express the shock of it "even though he doesn't believe in God!"

Oh well. I guess I should go pick out a bridle.


  1. I can only imagine what grief everyone must give you for being an atheist. I get my share for being a Christian and not Catholic. Many "blame" me for my hubby converting, be he did that all by his lonesome, way before he met me. Do you get the same thing?

  2. This reminds me of a MIL story. She was sincerely concerned about which language our future children would speak since hubby is Mexicand and I'm American. She was absolutely convinced that it would come out speaking one or the other. She could not believe when I explained that a child, no matter the race or birth nation, is taught a language. A Mexican/American kid would speak Chinese or Swahili if that is what it was taught. She looked at me like I was speaking Chinese or Swahili...I still don't think she gets it. Some things are inexplicably engrained into people I guess.

    Wish I could blog freely about the in-laws, not to complain as much as post these little oddities in conversation that come truly has been one of the most entertaining aspects of life here. But they often read it via google translator so I have to wait to share on other's blogs. :-)
