My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Borderline Mushy Thank You Post

This is one big thank you shout out to our hook ups. In so many ways Hernan and I scored big time when we made friends with our friends. It turns out they're pretty much just wonderful people. Besides being kind, funny, intelligent, and all-round amazingly kick-ass people, they further impress us by (look a list!)

(1) not having forgotten who we are ("Baby-who?").
(2) Forgiving me for being a lazy correspondent. (I promise I'll write you soon.)
(3) Sending/bringing presents like baby clothes and toys and food and books and liquor. (And I'm not even drunk right now.)
(4) Even sometimes reading my boring-as-all-hell blog and then telling me about it so I don't feel like such an ass for blogging about dust. (Dust for crying out loud!)

Oh, and (5) tolerating unsolicited lectures about linguistics. (You're troopers.)

Obviously, it's the love and support that means the most to us. I really think I don't have to say that. But if I wrote about how much all these beautiful people mean to me then this'll really turn into a mush-fest, and that ain't pretty. So, I'll tell you instead about today.

It's been raining so hard here yesterday and today (uh... dry season?) that Hernan wasn't able to go work today. Something about pouring concrete in the rain not working... So he was super antsy pants and depresso. I call him my delicate tropical flower for a reason. He sure gets moody in the rain (and yet wants to move to Vancouver or Portland...?) So he was Mr. Depressy Head and a pain to be around. Mopey McMopey Pants. Until I turned his day around with Super Magic Food Powers (SMFP).

Ramen. Thanks to our friend who in all awesomeness provided us with ramen bounty. No, really, you win. Well, actually, it was us who won.

Ramen + The Devil Makes Three + pirated dvds (thanks to our music/dvd hookup) = ramen-filled Baby dancing around the house the whole rest of the day.

We changed Hanix's diaper (one of many, many gifts from my mom), popped him in clothes from a friend, he played with a toy that used to be my niece's, I wrapped him in a blanket from another friend and now he's alseep. Hernan is reading a book my dad gave me (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man) and in a minute we're busting out that sweet bottle of gin (thank you for that, too!)

Yeah, yeah, so stuff isn't everything. But it sure can be nice sometimes. It's not the only way our friends and family show us they haven't forgotten us. It's just a way that made today so nice.

And get this. In his ramen-induced euphoria, Hernan even exclaimed, "Baby, you're right up there with Halu."

Now, we all know this is not true, because we are talking instant ramen here. Sure, I threw in some fresh veggies, seaweeds, spices, and crack cocaine, but we all know the poor man has just been away too long. He's out of touch.

However, the ramen really did turn his day around. He even washed up after.

After his mom went back downstairs.

So thanks, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Its so odd to me how sometimes these sentiments may hit us at the same time. We were recently blessed big time by a couple of our friends, so much that it actually brought my husband to tears. Its good to not be forgotten.
