My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I love food. Now that I'm rich (which you should understand to mean "no longer so poor that I can't afford flour") I decided to go out to dinner with my man candy last night. I'd been sick for two weeks and had finally won my stomach back from the Dark Side. Thus I had already eaten all the food in the house, and there was nothing left for dinner except a box of corn starch and some weird fruit drink that Hernan likes. I do not enjoy fruit drink, and the corn starch was a little dry, so when Hernan got home I told him we were going out.

We don't go out much, on account of the poverty, but having people bring me delicious food is one of my favorite things in this great world or ours.

We headed to Ajijic, where there are many restaurants, and tried a new place that had been recommended to us. We ordered drinks and a pizza and then devoured the complementary bowl of popcorn. When the pizza arrived, we exchanged looks because it clearly would not be enough. We had already waited a good while for it, so ordering another wasn't going to work.

"Let's stop for tacos on the way home." I said while stuffing a cracker-sized "slice" into my mouth.

"Yeah, we're going to the place on the highway."

"Good. That's what I had in mind."

Fifteen minutes later Hernan had a plate of tacos and I had two tortas. The pizza was a tasty appetizer.

Small-portion restaurants are such teases. They should really put a warning on the menu, or preferably at the entrance, "Caution: We serve teeny-tiny portions fit only for people who don't like food very much. One order wouldn't even satisfy your seven month-old giganto-baby. Be advised that if you are a piggie-glutton you will need to order three or four dishes. Five, if you're a nursing mom. Six, if you're nursing a giganto-baby. Thank you."


  1. OH my GAWD!! We came out of poverty today too!! I got my taxes (thank god because they actually came to shut off our electric today) and now we can buy food other than beans and eggs! I love beans and eggs but, well, damn.

    I've never been so crazy poor for so long, it's kind of life changing you know? But for the better!

    To celebrate our ability to breathe again we're actually going to go and get Burger King (husbands favorite but costs 1/4 his paycheck) MMmmmm Wopper!

    Have you made up a wish-list of things to go and get now that you're not super busted? I totally did last night and the first thing on it was - "socks." My socks are. . .sad. After that it's more baby bottles and a couple of bras that aren't 2 sizes too small. LOL it's funny how after being poor so long that a "Wish List" turns in neccesities and not silly things like I-pods.

    Ok, sorry for blowing up your comment section, it's just that I'm excited to have someone to type to that will understand me.

    AND yes, teeny food restuaraunts are LAAAMME. I don't get how they stay open, why would people go back?

  2. Yes! Beans, eggs, and tortillas. That's pretty much all we eat. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Hahaha... yeah, I've never been this poor, either. It's hard. The day to day isn't so hard (I don't mind eating beans at every meal. Not that much, anyway.) But what's hard is worrying about getting sick, or the baby, or when suddenly our vehicle started to break! My wish list includes a pair of pants that fit me! During pregnancy, they were all too small and I wore them unbuttoned (yeah, I've got no shame) then I shrank as soon as my baby was born and now my pants are all baggy and falling down, and I have to fold the waste over one or two times to keep them from falling down. So it's been a year and a half since I had a pair of pants that fit. Pants! Just one pair would be terrific.

  3. Oh - and congratulations on getting some money! It feels like such a relief, doesn't it? Enjoy those whoppers!
