My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ballin' (On A Budget)

Hells Fucking Yes.

The IRS FINALLY figured out where to send my 2008 tax return. It's not like they didn't have (1) my address, or (2) my phone number. It's not like they'd already sent me all kinds of mail about how they thought I was cheating them out of money. It's not like they hadn't called me at home multiple times. It's not like I hadn't responded promptly to every inquiry.

Sure enough, as soon as it became clear that I didn't owe them but that they owed me... somehow everything got a little hazy and they got confused and that check just couldn't seem to find its poor lost little way into my bank account.

Until now. We now have enough money to pay back my sister-in-law, who fronted us the money to legalize our truck last summer, AND probably enough left over to squander on a trip up to the good ol' Yu Es af Ei. "It's just a tax return" you say, but we're broke, so for us this is huge.

So I'll probably be up in March, at least to Eugene to visit my family (before my mother sneaks down here and steals my baby). I'm debating whether to hit up California, too. I really want to, but it sounds hard. I'll see what can be done.

In other news, now that the IRS finally ponied up, I guess I'll be filing for 2009 after all. (That should be easy, since I made a total of zero dollars last year.) Whatevs.

I'm rich, biatch!


  1. uh... i never got my tax rebate like everyone else.... any suggestions after your feat with the devil?

  2. If you mean that whole stimulus check thing - no way. I never got any of that either. They designed it so only people with social security numbers got the money. As for married couples filing jointly, both persons had to have a SSN. Since Hernan files with a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number?) because he doesn't have a SSN, we never saw a penny. How this was related to stimulating the economy, I don't know, since my tax-paying, no SSN-having husband is a shopper and would have dutifully spent the rebate at the mall... (whereas I would have horded it, since I'm miserly like that.)

    If you just meant the regular ol' tax return (since they took more moola outta my paycheck than I owed) then my only advice is to ride their ass. You can track your check online. Otherwise, write them a letter. Seriously. Don't bother calling, you'll just waste a lot of money on the Int'l dialing and they still won't answer your call. Ever.
