My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Extreme Hardship

Anyone ever try for the waiver of extreme hardship? Anyone ever hear of that working out for anyone? Anyone? Anyone?

Bueller? ... Bueller?


  1. Are you trying to waive your hardships? Good luck!

  2. Definitely have heard of it, but have not heard of it being successful for too many folks. You have to show ample proof that your separation causes the US citizen extreme and unusual hardship - emotional distress is not considered extreme or unusual. Living in Mexico will not help your cause, but as Crystal said, check out that website and you'll be able to find examples of couples that were able to get the waiver. Good luck!

  3. Good luck with ANYTHING that has to deal with bureaucrats... face it, U.S. Immigration is heartless, I gave up on those S.O.B.'s long ago and started living a decent life in Mexico. Living here can be a blessing in disguise.

  4. Mexicomystic - That's probably the best advice of all. We're foolish, so we're going to try for the waiver. We both have our hearts set on going "home" again. But you're right, heartless S.O.B.s. I'm glad you found happiness down here. I hope we can do the same.

  5. I have a daughter who lives in NYC. She used to be on a kickball team with a guy who used to work for the US State Department. It was my one big chance to pick the ear of the US State Department, albeit vicariously. I got my daughter to ask all the questions for me. So, this comes pretty much from the horse's mouth--the US State Department does not give one rat's ass about extreme hardship on any of its citizens. They routinely turn down cases where a spouse is dying of cancer, when all that spouse wants is for their "alien" spouse to be at their side in the US while they die. The US State Department has no soul, nada, zip, zilch.
