My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Older By The Day

I continue to be old. Today I resorted to singing the Indiana Jones theme song to my teenage bro-in-law in an attempt to explain who Harrison Ford is. It didn't work. Add that to the growing list of songs I sing (and dance to) to try to bridge the cultural-generational gap.

When I started explaining Han Solo (because I'm nerdy as well as old, apparently), I realized I may as well be talking about going to the talkies or the nickelodeon for all he understood.

In other news, we can add arthritis to my list of oldities. We've been having unseasonal downpours (hey, leaking roof, how've you been?) and I suddenly become crippled. When the sun finally appears again I suddenly regain my ability to walk. Go fig.

We still have our hearts set on moving back to San Francisco (or nearby) next year. I wonder if we'll become young again once we get out of San Juan. We certainly got a lot older the day we arrived. Then again, we're all parenty now, so maybe we're doomed to old-age from the start.

And to make it perfectly clear, I haven't a problem with oldocity among the elderly. It's this rapid aging in our 20s that was a bit unsettling. But I'm ok with it. You know, I'm very much looking forward to learning to play bridge.


  1. The old train seems to really start getting up some steam after having a baby too right!? All of a sudden my back hurts and when I get out of bed in the morning I'm stiff! LOL it's not too much for me to complain about but it's just so . . . noticable... you know? Ah well, I hope the weather stays sunny for you until you move :)

  2. Friend, Bill and I would be more than happy to teach you how to play bridge :)
