My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

School Ma'am

It happened. I'm now giving English classes for an hour every weekday evening to my brother-in-law and his teenage friends. Yeah, they actually started to show up regularly. And after I put the smack down about showing up on time (instead of 40 minutes late), they all now promptly arrive within the first ten minutes of the hour.

I don't charge my brother-in-law, but the rest have to pay me 20 pesos for the hour. Between two and five guys come each time, so I'm pretty much rolling in money now.

My sister-in-law also asked me to give lessons to her eight year old son three times a week, so we're doing that too.

I'd forgotten how much I enjoy teaching - coming up with the lessons, games, ways to acceptably dork out about language. (For those of you who read this blog but don't know me, I'm maybe a little bit dorky when it comes to languages and linguistics. Maybe we should say "a lot bit".)

I have to decide to do with my new found wealth. I might buy myself a luxury vehicle or a pet camel. What I'd really like, actually, is a pair of pants that fit me, since its now been a year and a half since I had a pair of pants in my size. I guess I'll save up for those. Maybe for my birthday.


  1. congrats! Glad you put the smack down!

  2. I knew I posted too soon. Tonight - no show. Oh well. That's Mexico.

  3. Glad you're enjoying teaching! It is a lot of fun and I have been missing it. And it's always fun to put the smack down! :D
