My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stop That Cough

Anyone seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? My husband loves this movie, because "They're just like my family!" There's one important difference, however. My in-laws know that Windex isn't actually a cure all. That's ridiculous. Anyone with a brain can tell you Windex is only good for cleaning glass and killing ants. No, no. The real cure-all, of course, is Vick's VapoRub (be sure to pronounce that as in Spanish).

Yes, VapoRub is good for whatever ails you. Rub it on your chest, back, and feet at the first sign of a cold. They say it stops bug bites from itching. They say you can rub it on your abdomen to stop a stomach ache. They say you can melt a spoonful and drink it as healthful tea. And (get ready) to stop a cough, just dab a little on your anus.

I'll give you a moment to think about that.

I should be clear that I have never tried this remedy, nor do I plan to, so I make no claims about its efficacy. However, I'm all for passing along tips to my friends. Some of you might be suffering from a cough even now, so consider this information a holiday treat from me to you. Enjoy.


  1. lmao, I hadn't heard that one. Maybe it is regional. lol And I have a cough, surely the gripa, but I am not even tempted. But thanks for the Christmas tip!

  2. well, I rub tiger balm on my chest when I am sick, and my back, abdomen, and when I have bug bites. So it's not that much different, right?

    I cannot imagine drinking it, however. Or getting it ANYWHERE near my nether regions.
