My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

5 AM Fireworks and the Virgin

At 5:00 this morning I was reminded that it was December 1st. Fair or not, here are two generalizations about Mexicans. One, they really like the Virgin of Guadalupe. Two, they also like cuetes, those fire cracker rockets that go up in the air and go boom. Put the two together, in San Juan, and whadda ya get? Rockets going up in the air and going boom right outside my bedroom on December 1st. At 5:00 in the morning. Every ten seconds. For forty-five minutes. Every morning for twelve days.

I remember this from last year. It wasn't until about day ten that I complained about "those damn kids setting off fireworks in the middle of the night" to my mother-in-law. She laughed at me and explained that the fireworks were to "celebrate", but were really used to wake people up so they'd go to mass.

Last year was annoying, but this year it's worse. They startled Hanix and made him cry. And that almost made me cry, because I'd only just gotten him to fall asleep. Hopefully he gets used to the noise fast, because we've got eleven more days of it.


  1. When we first moved here the "cuetes" use to scare Alana now she barely notices them.

  2. In time, you will get used to them. Most mornings I don't hear them and when I do, I have learned to ignore them! :D

  3. We don't notice them either, usually. But at five this morning, we sure noticed. My mother-in-law tells me, however, that this morning they really were right outside our house. Tomorrow morning they'll set them off in a different part of town. And then back to us. So it will only be every other morning that we'll have them going off under out noses. I was so glad to hear this.

  4. This is to celebrate dia de la virgin- right? because i know that is on december 12th. i really like watching it on tv every year. i think that daddy edgar wants us all to go to the church this year. i think they are going to be doing something. i am not catholic, so i really do not understand.

  5. Yes - this is to celebrate the Virgin of Guadalupe. I don't totally understand, either, but I gather that all the saints have their own day. The Virgin of Guadalupe is, I think, the same as the Virgin Mary, except Mexican. I obviously have some learning to do this year!
