My Little English Corner

One. Two. Buckle my shoe. Three. Four. Shut the door. Five. Six. Pick up sticks. Seven. Eight. Lay them straight. Nine. Ten. Let's count again!

This blog provides supplementary materials for English language classes.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

San Juan's Rivers

We're going on three weeks now, three weeks of raw sewage overload. Three weeks of inescapable shit perfume. Three weeks of the Bog of Eternal Stench. Three weeks of living in a porta-potty, on the last day of the county fair, the one located next to the chili dog stand.

My house is flanked by two bubbling streams of human excrement. One is just a few feet from our back door, the other is two properties away in the other direction. There's a third a few properties over from that, as well.

The foul water isn't just slowly oozing its way straight into the lake, either. It's a non-stop stream.

Hernan took this video last week and sent it into Primero Noticias, a morning news show that sometimes airs photos and video that viewers send in.

Our hope is that they'll air this video and shame someone in Jocotepec (our municipal capital) into finally fixing this. We've already tried reporting it ourselves to various people. But no one seems to care.

These Rivers of Retch exist all year long, but normally they just trickle along, and one only notices the stench when one has to jump across to pass by. For the last three weeks, however, and periodically throughout the year, something clogs up the poor pipes and the filth just comes geysering up. We can't escape the smell, not even in my bedroom, a room without windows. It's ever present, and really foul.

And it's going straight into Lake Chapala.


  1. Yuck! Hope you can get some attention to this!

  2. You poor thing. I have seen this type of thing around here but thankfully haven't lived close enough for it to matter. I hope you can get something done about it.
